I know Stardock hired some allegedly known author named Bucholz to improve the writing, and I know that taste in humor may differ greatly (especially the American and European concepts of humor), but the main problem is that the short texts accompanying quests, etc. are absolutely out of context with the rest of the game, and they go against the whole theme and atmosphere of the game.
The theme of the game is serious and grim (if a bit cliched) - the world is about to be destroyed while you rush to prevent it, and all the puns and laid-back bragging and forced one-liners really clash with it in a bad way. I can imagine it may not even be the writer's mistake - he was probably told to write, say, 200 short texts for quests that were supposed to be funny and witty, so he did what he probably always does. However, the result is quite mediocre. I know Stardock has problems with feedback, I remember the general mood when Elemental was launched and all the fanboi were praising how incredible the game is, and then the reviews and unbiased feedback started hitting back...
Compared to Elemental, SK is not a bad game. It's obvious that much time was dedicated to polishing, streamlining and generally improving the design of the game, the visuals are much, much better (if, once again, a bit too cheerful and clashing with the grim theme of the game), the inspiration from the AI war system sidesteping the flaws of contemporary AI tech in games is welcome, but I have to say this:
Sorcerer King suffers from the lack of art direction badly. It needs someone who will say this is okay, this fits with the theme of the game, and this is fine, but it does not really compliment the mood of the game, so either redo it, or bring something else. And if there is a person who is doing this, then he does not know what he is doing, and you need to find someone who does.
And I know this kind of feedback is not that welcome here, and that I will be chased away very soon with the loyal minions of this realm, so I am going already, but for the sake of sincerity, I had to say this aloud.