I'm working on a new high-powered Arthurian faction called Avalon with a powerful custom sovereign, champion and custom items specially created for this faction leaders. This faction is intended for play at higher difficulty levels to make it more possible to win without having to nerf the computer or cheat. I have a question...how does one set certain quests to only appear for a certain faction, hero, or only for the human player, rather than the AI factions? Is it possible, and would it be difficult to implement? Thank you for taking the time to read this, and God bless.
There seems to be some confusion in how LH handles race. Race should presumably refer to, for example, Men, rather than Altar, which is a political Faction, rather than the actual race extraction. The same goes for Mancers, that appears to be is racial bloodline subtype of the core Race Men, which is what the Capitar Faction actually consists of, not Capitar as a race per se. NB that ALL Kingdom factions appear to be essentially Human, and though there are cosmetic differences in appearance and differences in racial blood abilities, they are considerable commonalities.
The Fallen, on the other hand, seems quite different. The Fallen races have quite different appearances and do not appear to be at all similar, and the Wraith Race appears to be simply a corrupted and distorted version of Men, rather than a Fallen race, per se.
What I would like to see is the ability to create entirely new race/bloodline types, such as Children of the Storm and, if memory serves, the mod Heroic Pursuits seems to accomplish, rather than just a faction, which is simply a political construct based around a core race/bloodline, rather than a race per se.