Actually, it is the granddaughter that needs to be found by the original quest. Thus, all the daughter references should be granddaughter.
The original text.
<Description>You come across a scene of morning, death and loss. They are too common on the wastes. A series of farmhouses was attacked, anyone of fighting age was killed and the children old enough to work or sell have been enslaved. Only the old or very young have been left behind.
One old farmer, who is as thin as a willow branch, begs you to find the slavers and return his granddaughter Girta to him.</Description>
A text that needs to be changed.
<SuccessText>The farmer thanks you for returning his daughter. He gives you an old family artifact as a reward.</SuccessText>
A text that needs to be changed.
<CompletionText>It didn't take you long to find the daughter among the captives. After setting the rest free you inform her that you'll escort her home.</CompletionText>
The original text, to remain the same.
<CompletionText>The old farmer father thanks you for returning his granddaughter.</CompletionText>
These are all the references to the granddaughter in this quest. Also, I'm not sure why some are having crashes with this particular quest, but the closest guess I have is that the battle identifiers are used twice (1 of 3 quests that does this within the same quest, not sure if this is the problem).