First off, I'd like to say that while this is my first post, I did Google around and peeked into the sticky threads here looking for information, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. I recently bought Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes and I have a few questions about the game mechanics.
Having played many turn based games before (Civ & XCom for example) I was thrilled to find that FE is such a deep and enjoyable game. However, during my first few playthroughs, I noticed that something was bugging me; something about the mechanics felt "off". After awhile I realized what it was--I don't feel that I have enough control on the game's pace and turn ending/beginning mechanics.
For example, in Civ or XCom, when you're done moving units and taking actions, you hit the "end turn" button. Until you do this, other players/computers can't move or perform any actions. However, in FE I have no clear way to tell when my turn ends. For example, I'll be constructing buildings in a city or moving heroes around when the AI suddenly moves his units. This is very frustrating when you're trying to chase down an army. I'll have one hero that's tracking an enemy, but if I move another hero first, the game may end my turn and allow the enemy hero to escape before I can move my pursuing hero.
I hope/assume that I'm just doing something wrong here. Is there an option to enable a "hard end" of sorts? Whereby the turn doesn't end until I click a button?
Further, half the time I can't tell what strategic spells the enemy casts on me b/c the camera doesn't pan to the source of action.I know that you can cycle through enemies in your territory, but I can never completely get a grasp on what's going on b/c if I move a hero/perform an action, the game will end my turn before I can get my bearings. Does this make sense?
Anyhow, I love this game and I'm hoping that you guys can help me better manage the game's mechanics.
Thank you for your response.