I think if the AI would effectively rush you down more it would be more of a challenge.
Yah, let me be clear in "age of wonders 2" the AI would just kind of send troops at yah.. all the time.. it was annoying.. but at least they were "trying"
I noticed in the scenario.. that the friendly and enemy AI sent troops at yah all the time.. aka the allies were constantly ATTACKING the enemies.. and I'm not quite sure I understood exactly what that weird "castle" was above your 1st city..?
How hard would it be to put a setting in to have the AI's launch attacks.. make you "defend"?
I have to say when the game fails to "create a challenge" for me.. I invent my own
And the turning off of monsters and quests (whatever I did in the settings) has helped a lot.. my game got like x3 harder.. might have been a lot easier if I had just taken the "beast master" perk
but without it.. it's been semi-hell.. I'm 50 turns in.. only like level 6/level 7 only have 2 heroes and..
I didn't know that even turning it off that there are still "monster zones" and random quests and that's too bad cause if they weren't there..
I would focus on only attacking the AI cities/kingdoms/empires.. but I've spent 90% of my game fighting in those monsters zones.. winning tough battles/gaining experience.. I suspect when all is said and done.. I have elite units capable of ripping to shreds any of the AI's..
Spamming the hell out of the save/load mana/money/fame creator
(which is a bit sad? a bit) but a viable/usable cheat.. I'm only 8 saves/turns away from getting a 3rd hero finally (erog's tower costs like 2041 gold to "rush" so yah know
Why did they design the game to give you new mana/money on every load.. do I have a outdated copy?
I do end up abandoning most of my games due to lack of challenge and a rather boring endgame (the last part is endemic to 4X in general- one reason why I'm curious how At the Gates will handle this given that Jon says he wants to solve that problem)
Yes, as I said.. I've abandoned 2 of my games as well.. and I've only played umm.. now 4 games.. (1 was scenario) and god the SCENARIO was borring.. somewhere about 10-20 hours in.. it just became hella boring..
and the only game I've won so far was the scenario.. I just decided to rush through it.. only took me like 5-7 mage casts to win that tower.. I dunno if that's average..? but the tower was pretty weak too 
What I will say again about my current game is that the AI for the towns etc. is "passive" as usual.. maybe 1 time they tried to "declare war?" one thing I remember about civilization 4 or 5 is some people programmed the AI to always kind of attack you.. certain ones.. like the japs or something? They'd be aggressive as I remember? And there are aggressive races/kingdoms in the game.. there just "not that" aggressive..
I mean man if that yithril guy declared war on turn 20 or 10 or 30.. and brought out those maulers.. then that would be 1 tough game.. 
My play style is pretty simple.. I'm a save and loader.. not a lot of people necessarily have patience for that.. but in that way.. I always/usually get the best outcome in any battle.. and I know many/some people play like me in civilization/king's bounty etc. 
I was thinking recently what the game really needs is true AI.. not fake