I agree with this ... the automatic road building is great as far as it goes, but we need the ability to manually place additional roads.
One suggestion I didn't see here that might work would be to add the option in a city and outpost to "build road to" ... say you have three cities, ABC, 123, and XYZ. You also have two outposts - Outpost A and Outpost B. Let's say the autoroads connected ABC to 123, and 123 to XYZ. Outpost A connects to ABC, and Outpost B connects to XYZ. But none of them connect to each other.
So, we click on city ABC, and select "build road to" - it then pops up a list of cities: 123, XYZ. You click XYZ. It will give you a gildar cost and turn cost, and add it to the build que to be built like any other improvement.
For the outposts, you click on Outpost A, and click build road to, and it gives you city options as above, and goes into the city build que of the city it's attached to, just like other Outpost improvements.
It would also be nice to have the option to select a manual location ... so you can build a road from an outpost or city to a specific point somewhere else.
And if they implement that ... it would be GREAT to add a road upgrade feature. Let's say you built a road between ABC and 123. Now, you can go in and select "Upgrade Road to" ... then up would pop a list of cities with existing roads ... then you can upgrade the road (say pave it) at the cost of additional gildar, materials, and time, to increase the movement speed on that road section. There could be different levels ... say dirt, cobblestones, magical surface, which would each be more expensive in terms of gildar, materials, and time. There could even be a special tech that has to be researched for each upgrade.
Or, my other suggestion was that whatever critter you have that can build roads can use the "build road to" button, where the start point is their current location and the end point is wherever you click.
Or, add a "build road" toggle button, that works like Explore ... where you turn it on, and wherever you move the person you build a road.
And an extension of that ... Auto roads ... where you turn it on and the critter wanders around like an explorer, only its goal is to build roads between any two existing points in the kingdom ... it tries to connect all cities to each other, all outposts to each cities, and makes sure that all roads interconnect, instead of having one road from point a to point b and one that goes from point c to point d, but none that connect the two roads.