Update: Turns out I had some crow demons with movement left that were on a long trip, and game couldn't figure out how to move them past an opponents improved resource. If i used their move points manually the game was able to continue.
Hit end turn, got the infestation quest, brutal but neat...got a beastlord so going to get me some more spiders.
Unable to end turn.
Previously this evening I'd gotten the find the temple quest that spawns all the scrap golems - this also causes the inability to end turn.
Initially thought it was just the one quest, but now wondering if it has something to do with spawning all the new critters.
I've modded my elementaldefs, mounts and items files - so it could be those. I"ll attach the updated files that are in my mods folder as well.
Save game and mods here:
Update: Turns out I had some crow demons with movement left, and game couldn't figure out how to move them. If i used their move points manually the game was able to continue.