- some weapon lvl requirement is way too high. I do not think there should be a weapon that requires lvl 20 to be used. I am now finishing game, on dense monsters and huge map and i am pretty sure my hero will not make it to level 20, though i am already decisevely winning. What's the point of a weapon that you cannot really use? Thus, the coolest weapon come way too late.
- another cool weapon that basically is never use is "sythe of the void". The biggest treasure in a game, i find, is xp, thus penalty -100% of xp is very, very bad. I cannot use it by my main heroes, because they need levels, and i cannot use it by support heros - because weapon requires level 10 ... Of course, i can level a looser hero, but again, all xp goes to main heroes - somehow there is never enough xp around. Give me any other penalty - a blade is possessed and takes control over unit once in a while, or unit looses a turn, or is always confused and can attack wrong unit etc. Just do not give me xp penalty.
- city unrest penalty is scaled for small maps, on huge maps if you play conquest you have to be ready to have over 100 cities. Then you whole economy is basically finished (with 27 cities, i get 48% unrest ...). It should scale to map, on huge you should have penalty 0.5% per city. I cannot also raze cities because AI spam pioneers non stop and they spread around a map like a vermin, always trying to build city in every possible spot.
- have over 1000 iron and 1000 horses from the middle game on, the only material that is precious are crystals
- armor is a waste of iron. Period.
- Ai builds a lot of outposts, so far i could afford one (and i was force to build it to prevent AI from building outposts in the middle of my territory)
- AI movements through my territory are very annoying, also tendency to build cities in all possible places, sometimes there is like 6-9 of my cities between a newly build city and AI's empire
- all my troops are mounted, except Juggernauts
- i am using actively only two heroes
- i could still win this game not using heroes at all, but not without Juggers
AI problems:
- in tactical battles archers and mages way too often do defensive shot and are harmless (even if my army has no archers, and no way to get to them for first x turns)
- in the cities - defense is organized in three groups: main, and two wings. Those wings never move till my units get close. Thus, i can finish middle line, then move entire army to a wing, destroy troops there and move to the last group. Happens with wide city tactical battle.
- already mentioned, but AI attack my immune troops obsessively
- build way too many pioneers, for no reason, build outposts everywhere, crippling cities growth