Do you have phone service?
Yes, but only because it is included with my Internet-flatrate. I use it maybe once a month. If that.
Do you have television service with Comcast, AT&T, etc?
I live in Germany, so, no, I don't. I also don't watch TV anymore. Haven't for years.
They are all the evil empires of businesses, yet they are a necessary evil to get the services you need and want.
While that may be true, I don't really need LH. There are plenty of great games I could play, including the original MoM, that don't require me to use Steam.
However, I think it's a fantastic service and I enjoy having all my games in one place, with auto-updates if I want it, built in forums, chat, voice, pretty much everything in one nice package.
Glad you like it, but Steam really isn't for me. Auto-updating may be nice, but it isn't necessary for me. I grew up with getting updates via cover-discs from gaming-magazines, and later by searching the Internet. Manual updating really is no problem for me. All those other features, however, are of no interest to me at all.
It's a very small price to pay in my opinion for this incredibly fantastic game we have here.
Giving up on your principles is never a "small price".
Anyway, I'm probably not going to change your mind, I just wanted to voice my opinion that there's really nothing wrong with Steam, and more and more companies are getting on board with it exclusively.
Nothing wrong? How about preventing customers from playing their games, if they don't agree with the new EULA? A court order was necessary before Valve changed that. There are more things I could mention, but I really don't want to derail this thread any further.
I hope you change your mind.
Unlikely. If LH should appear on, or becomes available Steam-free in some other form (maybe from Stardock directly), I will gladly pay full price for it. For now, however, I wont play it, even though I have a free copy.