Quoting Hellmood, reply 16He might be a good guy, but I kinda have a hard time forgiving him this abomination called SupCom2. If it was a proper sequel and not dumbed down, casual, console-orientied trash, he'd have had 50€ from me.
Sup Com 2 changed a game that the majority of its long time players didnt want to have changed (drastically).
Sup com 2 is a good game..... it only has one huge flaw and that is that it is not a Supreme Commander anymore but rather a skirmish commander.
If you dont expect it to be a better version of Forged Alliance and treat it like a average new RTS, it is a above average game.
The sad truth is..... high skill games are not the most popular RTS subgenre. It could imagine that Sup Com 2 outsold Sup Com 1 and FA, at least in the first year or so.
And that is a huge problem for the developer.... FA is a godlike game.... but it didnt sold like one.
Sins has a similar problem. The majority of people leaving the game both SP and MP dont leave because of bugs or balancing issues, they leave because for them a RTS game is something done within 20 minutes.
I dont think SupCom2 is worse game than FA. But its not better either, but that is nothing new really, sequels of truly brilliant games happen to be better than the original only rarely.
The note about Skirmish Commander, what do you mean by that? That its small scale compared to the original? Cause i think its still the same-scale game, when it comes to unit counts, only the maps are way, way smaller. Obviously to the point, where it changed the way the game is played, at least it seemed that way to me - in SupCom 2, i basically never built those air-transports to move land units over large distances, i simply never felt the need for it. On original SupCom on big maps, it was unthinkable. Actually big part of fun in that game was the setting up of the whole automated transportation system of units to the frontline. In this regard, you have to give SupCom credit for that, it played unlike any other RTS before (well maybe with exception of Total Annihilation, but i would not know, as i played that one only handful of times).
The most annoying thing i personally find about SupCom2 is the concentration of BS. You know, walking and later jumping ships, entire amphibious faction, no strategic bombers and missile subs, but bizzare wacky units with crazy names (in case of Aeon instead...i mean WTF?) I liked the seriousness of original SupCom, and even if it had sci-fi stuff, it was largely anchored in real-world stuff, WW2-like unit classes etc... and then SupCom 2 turned into red-alertesque cheesy bullshit.