If you use the mod manager you need to ensure that mods are enabled. I just tested it out again and I can build the pier and logging camps when I reach them.
The version is the one for FEMM (Snakingv11c.zip), and it is checked in the launcher.
FE and FEMM are the current versions (i.e., v1.02 on both).
FEMM has placed SnakingMod.xml in the folder C:\...\Documents\My Games\FallenEnchantress\Mods\Snaking
Mods are enabled in game, and I restarted the game between attempts. I have OS Admin rights.
I attempted custom maps as well as official maps.
I've tried starting positions that had river and forest one tile away, as well as ones that had just forest one tile away.
I have not attempted any previous mods, and have no others that I'm attempting to use.
I've hit every one of the launcher's needlessly repetitive buttons (i.e., "Install", "Install and Play", and "Play") with the mod checked, and have yet to see it function as depicted at the head of this post.
Did I miss anything that might cause the mod not to function? I would like to resolve this, as I plan to use mods in the future to make this game more akin to Master of Magic than it's current incarnation... at least until Company of Heroes 2 releases and I side-burner FE for a month or two.