I've shared the FE Editor below. It is what I use to manage the assets of the game and it makes it very easy to view, compare and tweak the xml in the game. Not all of the XML in Fallen Enchantress is included in the editor, just the things I most commonly update. It also contains some modeling data that helps us balance or review changes without having to play a 100 games to see what the difference was.
I'm releasing it here for modders so that they can use it to more easily add/remove and change assets in their mods. Each sheet has a export button in the upper left that creates the xml file with all the spreadsheets data in whatever directory the editor is in.
The editor is released 'as is'. It's an internal tool we are sharing, have fun.
Using & Sharing your mods:
When you export your creations, it'll place it in the root of the Fallen Enchantress directory (program files(x86)\stardock\fallen enchantress). File examples would be coreweapons.xml, coreunits.xml, etc.
Depending on what you did, here is how you use them:
Scenario 1: If you are overwriting existing weapons or units: Replace the existing file in the data\english directory with your new one.
Scenario 2: If you have created new items (like new quests or goodie huts or armor) then open the file in a text editor, find the new items and create a new XML file with just those new items in it and place it in your my games\fallen enchantress\mods directory and make sure you have "use mods" selected in the options menu. That file can be shared with other players.