I have previously made a topic about how to rip the Havok graphics files from the game: https://forums.elementalgame.com/399409
However, the method was fairly limited because there wasn't a way to rig the models to any skeletons (=models that aren't animated).
Stardock has graciously released some skeletons for us to work with in the past, notably horse, warg, humanoid and spider skeletons. Those helped me build new monsters, mounts and other units such as the Drota.
Unfortunately, Stardock has turned down my requests for the other skeletons such as Dragons, Drakes and other stuff.
Today I managed to "reverse-engineer" the Havok XML format to output the skeletons in 3ds Max. Effectively, I can now rip the skeletons from the game as well. This will allow us to insert new graphics into the game using the existing skeletons and therefore animations.
To prevent Stardocks models/skeletons/animations being ripped and stolen by some chinese studio, I am not going to release the scripts that are necessary to create the skeletons. Instead, if there is any modder that is interested in this sort of thing, just send me a PM and I will get you the skeletons you want.
Done so far:
Wingless dragon: http://i.imgur.com/C9Ufk.jpg
Half-drake: http://i.imgur.com/Dtg1S.jpg
Fiery Gorgon: http://i.imgur.com/D5yIj.jpg
Ophidian Gorgon: http://i.imgur.com/eF42Z.jpg
Venusians: http://i.imgur.com/pfsST.jpg