This post covers abilities as found in CoreAbilities.xml. I did things by display name unless there were multiple, in which case I went with internal name.
Again, this is my stab at things - some of these don't matter much, some do, and I'm sure there's a comma somewhere that could be left out or something.
Thanks for working so hard to get prior changes into the game, Derek!
First of all, let me applaud you on the missing ear description 
Secondly, the first few revisions here have a few things that might be a matter of opinion (that instead of which) and there are some lists with commas that could be done differently - I’ve just tried to do the best I can.
<Description>Faction starts with the Shard Harvesting technology, which allows them to upgrade their Shard Altars to Shrines. The player also starts with an additional 40 Mana.</Description>
(looking back at this on revision these are minor changes that can be left out, the period is just to be consistent here and the comma is… well I think it’s necessary, but whatevs)
<Description>Grants access to a unique set of bows that don't require metal and have a higher initiative and attack than the bows they replace. Additionally, the Ram's Horn Longbow ignores 50% of the victim's defense.</Description>
<DisplayName>Assassin's Tools</DisplayName>
<Description>Unlocks the Poison Vial accessory (which adds poison damage to the wielder's attack) as well as the Skath Claw (a Broadsword with higher attack and initiative) and the Scimitar (a Longsword with the backswing ability).</Description>
(this one gets real messy if we try to stick to commas, and is the only one I advocate adding parentheses for)
<Description>Has a chance (equal to the damage done) to knock victims prone</Description>
<AbilityBonus InternalName="ChargeAbility">
<Description>+3 Moves and +3 Attack on the first turn of combat</Description>
<AbilityBonus InternalName="ChargeAbility_Level">
<Description>+3 Moves and +3 Attack on the first turn of combat</Description>
<Description>An army lives on its stomach. +1 to the Army's Health Regeneration per season.</Description>
<Description>Units defending cities get +10% per city level to Accuracy and Defense. Also unlocks the Bronze Shield and one handed spears.</Description>
(delete “it” for consistency and because it doesn’t really work here – leaving this as a sentence fragment is fine as this is a definition style)
<Description>Unlocks the Sindarian Staff, which gives additional Dodge, and the Leht Staff, which fires lightning. It also unlocks Tomes, which allow the reader to learn Air, Earth, Fire and Water magic, and the Arcane Monolith spell, which allows the player to place outposts with a spell.</Description>
<DisplayName>Fire Breath</DisplayName>
<Description>Target units within a 1 tile radius are enveloped in fire, taking the caster's Attack in fire damage</Description>
<Description>Units struck suffer -3 to Initiative</Description>
(remove “a” before -3, unless you want to put “a -3 roll”)
<Description>+2 Initiative and Immunity to being knocked prone</Description>
<DisplayName>Great Axes</DisplayName>
<Description>Unlocks the Trog Battle Axe, which has Armor Piercing, and the Great Axe, which has a higher attack than the Great Sword it replaces</Description>
<DisplayName>Great Hammers</DisplayName>
<Description>Unlocks the War Club, which has a higher attack against Men and Fallen, the Battle Hammer, which has a higher attack than a Warhammer, and the Sledge, a Maul that can be wielded one-handed.</Description>
<Description>Unit can use Hobble, which does normal damage and reduces the target’s Moves by 1 for the next 3 actions</Description>
<AbilityBonus InternalName="ImmuneToCriticalsAbility">
<AbilityBonusOption InternalName="ImmuneToCriticals">
<DisplayName>Immune to Criticals</DisplayName>
<Description>Immune to Critical Attacks</Description>
<AbilityBonus InternalName="ImmuneToCriticalsAbility_Level">
<AbilityBonusOption InternalName="ImmuneToCriticals_Level">
<DisplayName>Immune to Criticals</DisplayName>
<Description>Immune to Critical Attacks</Description>
<DisplayName>Light Plate</DisplayName>
<Description>This faction crafts Light Plate Mail instead of Chainmail with the Armor technology. Light Plate has better defense but is heavier than Chainmail.</Description>
(remove “a” between has and better)
<Description>All units have +25% to Dodge and +25% to Accuracy</Description>
<DisplayName>Master Scouts</DisplayName>
<Description>Monsters won't attack this player’s units. No Movement penalty in Forests, Swamps, Hills or Rivers.</Description>
<DisplayName>Master Smiths</DisplayName>
<Description>Armor and weapons cost half the normal production and upgrades cost half as much. Also unlocks the Golem Shield, a massive tower shield which is as impenetrable as it is heavy.</Description>
(delete “it” for consistency and because it doesn’t really work here – leaving this as a sentence fragment is fine as this is a definition style)
<DisplayName>Masterwork Chainmail</DisplayName>
<Description>This faction crafts Masterwork Chainmail instead of Plate Mail armor with the Heavy Armor technology. Masterwork Chainmail has a lower defense but is lighter and cheaper to craft than Plate Mail.</Description>
<Description>Unit continues to attack until it misses; each attack has a cumulative -15 to Accuracy</Description>
(does each attack have less accuracy than the last? It's hard to tell with this wording, if not remove the word cumulative or reword)
<Description>Unit’s attack damage is multiplied by the members of the defending group</Description>
<Description>Faction starts with the Knowledge technology, which allows them to build Studies. They also receive a +10% to research.</Description>
<Description>Attack that causes the unit to lose its next attack, unless it resists</Description>
<AbilityBonus InternalName="Swordsman2Ability">
<AbilityBonusOption InternalName="Swordsman2">
<DisplayName>Skilled Swordsman</DisplayName>
<Description>+15% Cutting Attack (attacks with swords and axes) and +1 Initiative</Description>
(the other two swordsman abilities say “attacks”)
<DisplayName>Eye of Abeix</DisplayName>
<Description>Carved from the carapace of the elemental, the pupil inside this giant yellow orb still moves and looks around. (+10% growth, +5 Attack for defending units)</Description>
<DisplayName>Horn of Sarog</DisplayName>
<Description>Broken off of the fallen dragon, this horn is proof of the power of the civilization that holds it. (+10% growth)</Description>
<DisplayName>Fist of Vetrar</DisplayName>
<Description>Shattered off of the elemental lord, this icy fist is still as cold as the arctic and as hard as granite. (+10% growth, 50% cold resistance for defending units)</Description>
<DisplayName>True Strike</DisplayName>
<Description>Allows the unit to use the True Strike ability, which never misses and does 75% of the units normal damage</Description>
<DisplayName>Undying Curse</DisplayName>
<Description>When this unit kills a victim it adds another member to its group, to a maximum of 9 units</Description>
<Description>Infirmaries provide +1 Growth and heal 10 Hit Points per season to units that are stationed in the city.</Description>
<Description>An Almshouse shows a city's compassion for the least of its citizens. It increases your Faction Prestige by 1.</Description>
<DisplayName>Amethyst Vault</DisplayName>
<Description>Amethyst Vaults provide +1 Crystal per season.</Description>
(remove apostrophe)
<Description>Prisons reduce Unrest in your cities by 10% but decrease their Growth by 1.</Description>
(remove “all” between in and your – the way this was worded was misleading, unless I’m wrong about prisons not being a global thing)
<DisplayName>Great Arena</DisplayName>
<Description>The Great Arena increases your Faction Prestige by 1. All units trained in this city will have +1 to Attack and +3 to Hit Points.</Description>
<DisplayName>Guild Tribunal</DisplayName>
<Description>The Guild Tribunal manages all your craftsmen, increasing your production per Material by 2 across your empire.</Description>
<DisplayName>Tenfell University</DisplayName>
<Description>Tenfell University keeps this city’s Unrest from effecting Research.</Description>
<DisplayName>Tower of the Magi</DisplayName>
<Description>The Tower of the Magi increases the spell resistance of all units produced in this city by 10 and protects the city from the spells of enemy casters.</Description>