This a good place to recommend 'snaking' be added back in?
Request #6. Snaking Development for Cities
Problem: Cities currently cannot snake to forest and river resources. Currently the AI does not take this into account, but thinks it still can snake thus causing suboptimal building locations to be chosen.
Does the UI need change to reflect this? No.
How is the AI going to interpret it? I would imagine AI would naturally accept the inclusion of these buildings and upgrades.
Thinking rationally, is it a major code change or a small change - or just an addition? Not sure. Snaking existed before, so I imagine the code is there for it to exist again.
How is it going to be reflected in XML tags that we can use?
Does it help anything for the un-modded content in the game? Yes. Gives players the ability to experiance the growth of their cities. Also gives AI better cities in which to fight the players with.
And most importantly - how does it help the modder in specific ways and what am I going to do with it? It helps the gamer. 
The other major beef I would love is in inclusion of Road Segment construction, (upgradable like outposts, and enchantable from the connected city)
Request #7. Road Segments
Problem: Currently roads are auto-built, always with only a single connection to the road network. There should be a way to build segments of road through the city building queue.
Does the UI need change to reflect this? I don't think so. Roads already build by segment. Although, options for building the roads would need to exist. Also, if the roads are to be selectable so that they can be upgraded then yes, a copy of the outpost code would have to be transposed.
How is the AI going to interpret it? Some sort of weighting would have to be given to the roads and that weighting be reduced for each additional road connected to a city for the AI not to spam production, but also for them not to ignore it.
Thinking rationally, is it a major code change or a small change - or just an addition? I would imagine this to be a fairly large expansion of code.
How is it going to be reflected in XML tags that we can use?
Does it help anything for the un-modded content in the game? Yes. Gives players the ability to have more control over their roads layouts without spamming them.
And most importantly - how does it help the modder in specific ways and what am I going to do with it? It helps the gamer. 
Here is my original concept notes:
Have three available levels of road: Path, Road, Highway
Be able to build a PATH through a city queue. When the build is complete, the UI asks you were your 'end' (or 'sink') destination to be. The start ('source') location must be the city where the PATH is being built. The end location must be another city or outpost that you control. The build produces a PATH along the most efficient route, granting +1 movement to units traveling along it.
You may select the PATH, as you would an outpost, and there will be an upgrade button on it. Upgrading puts the PATH back into the queue of the source city, which then upgrades the PATH into a ROAD once complete, granting +2 movement bonus while traveling along its trajectory. This upgrade could be made available with the 'construction' tech.
You may again select the ROAD and upgrade, this time turning into a HIGHWAY, granting +3 movement while traveling along its trajectory. This upgrade can be made available through tech in the military tree....perhaps something like 'mobilization' (if it's a little harder to get than 'construction')
In addition, there can be two more city enchantment spells available that focus on further upgrading all the roads connected to the source city where the enchantment is placed. Naturally this enchantment requires the essence to cast.
Ride like the Wind: Air Spell (perhaps lvl2), granting an additional +1 movement for travel along all roads SOURCED from the enchanted city.
The Golden Road: Earth Spell (perhaps lvl4), granting x2 movement for travel along all roads SOURCED from the enchanted city.
Note that essence availablity may require a tweak to take the new enchantment type into account
(Yes, this means that if you had a city with highways sourced that has 'ride like the wind' AND 'the golden road', units travelling along those roads would gain an addition +8 movment.)