I think Scaths could easily be turned into a type of fire lizard if need be.
However, assuming Scaths are to remain aquatic, they could be the 'specialized mount' for the other two fallen races
(or could still be for all fallen races if Spider/Firelizard/Umberdroth is shot down)
I could see the Urxen (as a highly populous, socially ordered nation), having some sort of "Imperial" leader along some sort of Confucian-esque lines (within their own social hierarchical politics and perhaps as an ancestor-worship type of spiritual leader). However having their in-game ruler should likely be the 'Warlord Kulan' who is a nephew of the Emperor or similar.
Their close relationship to beasts and serpents could be a fallen version of 'harmony with nature.' Which is one aspect of a nation that strives for social order (at least internally).
Now, the outcasts and shamed could be simply wild urxen that migrated off the path of the primary group (likely due to being shamed for breaking the rules of Urxen society). Due to the high birth rates of the Urxen, the wild urxen could easily become almost as populous as the 'proper Urxen' or Umber peoples.
However to an ignorant outsider, their social structures could often go unnoticed, wild Urxen indistinguishable from proper Urxen, and they would be seen (by outisders) as a wandering mass of wildlings.
Kulan as a tactician more than a fighter could work
Yes, I would like for Kulan to consider 'martial intelligence' as superior to brute strength yet still be willing to use his superior numbers to his advantage. I think he would rather surround the enemy and have them to surrender rather than destroy them. (as opposed to the Yithril/Trog philosophy of kill kill kill).
Kulan would probably focus on army buffing traits, as well as enemy-army debuffing traits. And to a lesser extent, spells that do the same (buff and debuff)
While I still think his profession/title should be warlord, I could see him taking either path of the assassin or path of the defender to complement his high dexterity. (though I don't think his stats should necessarily have to be tied to the racial)