One time, I consecutively played through a very long game of Elemental over three sleepless nights, where I destroyed all the AI players early on, except one. The last one I toyed with. Letting him make new settlements, then demolishing them. Letting him build up armies, then slaughtering them. Making all types of treaties, and then breaking them, only to make them again, and then break them. Wedding my offspring to his, and then sending them to their death. This torment went on for over 5000 turns, and I could see the frustrated anguish in the impotence of the enemy sovereign, and it brought me sick pleasure.
After falling asleep at my desk, I awoke to strange sounds. I walked out of the study and down the hallway. The sound was coming from the bedroom. When there I stood at the doorway, I found my wife laying with the bastard Verga of Yithril! And he looked at me with malicious spite in a triumph of repressed tears as he had his willing way in vengeance. Without thought or consideration I went for my gun and shot them both dead, and returned to the study to continue my campaign.
The police arrived not long after. I think one of the neighbours may have placed the call. I'm writing this from my smart-phone in a holding cell. Apparently I'm being charged with a double murder, and when I told them they couldn't charge me for the murder of a fictional character, they looked at me as if I were somehow not right mentally. It doesn't really matter at any rate. In a few moments I should be rejuvenated enough to cast teleport and get back to torturing Verga. But wait.. no... he's dead....I killed him!?!?