Thanks gazz, just went to gog. dl as I write. Crazy question. i only 'purchased a download for MoM. But when I go to my games dl page, it has 4 games there, "under a steel sky" etc. Is this normal? Are these other 3 games Ok to DL? Or will they charge me for them "later?" Appreciate you telling me how to get MoM. Thank you so much!!!!
Kinda late reply, but for anyone's information, there are three games that are completely free to download on GoG, beneath a steel sky, lure of the temptress, and teen agent. All three are classic adventure games. GoG too offered another free game recently, Jagged Alliance Deadly Games. I suppose ElanaAhova figured how to run master of magic and is having fun playing it by now. I tried playing Master of Magic, but couldn't get to play it. I'm a noob.