My sister-in-law got to take pictures with some baby tigers on the side of the road up-north. Crazy combination of cute and deadly....and weird that wildlife photo-shoots are just happening on random michigan roads
When I picture exotic petting zoo's and photo shoots Michigan isn't the first spot that comes to mind, no. Down here in central Florida we have all the big theme parks. Bush Gardens, Disney's Animal Kingdon, Epcot, Sea World. I'm sure Michigan still must be a fun place. I mean hell, you got Detroit and Kid Rock. Awesome Cars...Umm. I'm sure there's something else up there I just don't know about lol.
Quoting Raven X,
reply 51
Quoting MasonOfSparta, reply 50and feel them fruit loops and such.
I think I'll leave the "feeling of the fruits" to you professionals Unless I get to feel some melons. hehe
I know, you meant to say "feed them fruit loops and such". I just couldn't resist. . If I ever get up that way again I'll definitely check that out.
Awwww... I meant feed. Sigh at fat fingers.
Damn now I feel bad..please don't feel bad lol. I was just kidding, honest.