I've been noticing an interesting new glitch the past few days. Every now and then, after a combat melee attack, the attacker will suffer damage (often dying) without any animation taking place. After finally having it happen in a combat round where enough counter-able attacks took place, I can finally say with certainty that this is utilizing the Counter Attacker mechanic.
Normally, this wouldn't bother me one bit, except, there is an actual problem here. When the glitch happens to a Warrior with Uncontrolled Rage, the "partial counter" doesn't proc splash damage as it should, so adjacent targets are not properly effected, undermining part of the reason for taking the trait (especially when paired with the Counter-Attack-with-anything Trait, and a sword/dagger, which allows for two counter-attacks per round). It also just kind of looks silly, to have a unit take more damage than it dealt in attack, for no readily apparent reason = P
ETA: After more observation, I will note that this almost always happens when the unit in question is going to die from the "counter". I can't remember for certain if it has ever happened when the unit in question does *not* die. It also does not *always* happen when the unit dies from the "counter", but happens more than often enough to be a nuisance, as adjacent units which *should* be dying from splash damage are very pointedly *not* dying.