- I agree about Double Strike, but it would take some code changes, and I'd rather they worked on other things. The way Double Strike works now doesn't seem optimal, but as long as it's consistent, I consider changing it to be of the lowest priority.
- I'd say most of the strength assessments for monsters are wrong, particularly for quests. Air Shrills are over-estimated in power, and most of the other stuff seems to be under-estimated. Armies seem to always be over-estimated in comparison. Strong for my army is equivalent to Medium of a monster army.
I got trounced by Bacco, too. Of course, after he beats you, he's on the map, and you can attack him again with your full army, completing the quest (and he even still joins you). So, it's usually worth losing to him.
- The End Turn button is yellow if you still have idle cities. Of course, most people just hit [Enter], so they wouldn't look there. I've gotten in the habit of processing my idle cities before processing idle champions so that I don't miss anything. It still happens from time to time, though. A pop-up would be nice for when you have idle cities. I would like the option to leave them idle sometimes, but the pop-up warning would allow for that.