I have just finished the fifth episode, and it was okay-to-good. The characters and dialogues are well written, because you care, the story is what you would expect, but solid, the gameplay is minimal, consoleish and very restricted (hammering the "A" button being a staple), and the choices are mostly illusionary. It's more a digitized gamebook (if you shoot, turn to page 56, if you run, turn to 89) than a full-fledged game.
It made me think about the shift of the main hero consistent with the aging average gamer. A decade ago, it were all young daredevils conquering something or seeking revenge, now the main hero is usually an aging guy protecting a child/family (Heavy Rain, Deadlight, Walking Dead).
Overall, it was an enjoyable, casual experience for me (except for episode 2 which was slightly nauseating). The ending is emotionally strong, but predictable.
EDIT - oh, this is about the TV series, I was talking about the game. Never mind