Umber: A populous and Migratory people, they served under the most cunning of the titans who controlled the most land. Have highest dexterity.
The urxen should be good at expanding and growing their cities, this combined with their history of betrayal and their savage nature should give them poor diplomacy. They should be aggressive and savage, with more in common with their beasts than their neighbours. They should however respect strength. For all thier savagery the Urxen should have a ruthless and cruel cunning to them and a strong natural philosophy, as seen with their love of poisons and beasts. The Urxen should be an aggressive race that expand early and fast, always watching for a weak neighbouring border. With slow research but great at expansion and producing cheap soldiers that punch above their cost, they aim mostly for a conquest victory (maybe quest).
The Urxen should have not only an Assasin Sov but unlock special items to allow them to create troops that utilize dexterity, numbers, inititiative, curses and poison to bring down more powerful/armored enemies. Late game they should be using drakes,ogres and other beasts in the place of heavy knights and Magi.
Strengths: Light Armors/Spears/Daggers/Poisons/Curses/Population Growth/Monsters
Unique light armors (Naja Scale)(Ophilian Scale)(Drake Scale)
More Posions (Arrow)(Slow: -Initiative)(Toxin: High Dmg)(MindRot:-Intelligence)(Fever Poison: -25% fire resistance)
Special Daggers and Spears(+50% poison dmg)(50% armor penetration)(Dispel)(Dmg Bonus from Dext)
Skath Mounts (No movement penalty in Swamps)
Curse Stone: Special item for Magi Units that attempts to Curse target on hit.
Blood Curse: -Spell Defense -Def -Poison Resistance. Cannot be resisted, Damages caster
Wild Rage: Unit may strike adjacent allies. +15% Str +15% Dext +15% Con +2% per shard
Testing Ground (Urxen Arena): - 0.5 Growth. All units trained in this city gain + 1 Dex +1 Init and Bloodthirsty
Wild Symbiosis Techs: # of monsters trainable per lair increased 33%. Second lv 66% and rounds up (2ogres/drakes a lair)
Weaknesses: Diplomacy/Late Game Research/Fortifications/Low metal
The main problems with Urxen in .86 are dexterity, poison(glitchy stack) and Assasins(Dext based, no good traits) are underpowered.