Not to be a forum troll, but isn't this just more people screaming "We want B!" and then Frogboy goes "I bring to you, X Y and Z!" and we go "wait, we wanted B." and Frogby goes "We have taken Z in a whole new direction! It will be funner this way." and we go "Dude, we just want B, you had B, you disabled B out of some narcissitic delusion that B is somehow boring and broken, but really, that's what we want." and Frogboy goes "But Civ V uses this like, whole new engine and stuff..." And we go "WTF? Why do we care? That has nothing to do with Elemental or B! Just flip the damned switch!" and Frogboy goes "Good news! We added more options to X!"
Why do you continually ask us our opinion and then ignore it and do what you want anyways? Wasn't that what you did with all your critics and friend's when Elemental first launched? How'd that launch go for you? Are you sure you haven't become entranced in your own delusional views again? Are we here for anything other than to feed you empty praises and thumbs-ups and complacently take whatever it is you hand down to us? Why ask our opinion then, just tell us what we're getting and end it with "praise me, bitches."
Just turned the damned tac battles back on. Whatever you do in Fallen Empress, just leave it there, and turn tac battles on in there too. Hell, Sword of the Stars and drop and go Multiplay where players can dynamically jump in an ongoing game, take over the role of an AI, then drop back out and the AI will take back over again. We can even pick our AI before we drop out, then jump back in a turn or to later and pick up where the AI left off. And guess what, the MULTIPLAYER is just like the SINGLEPLAYER.
We get you don't like Elemental multiplayer, we get you think it sucks. That's just even *MORE* reason for you to listen to those who do like Multiplayer and give us SOMETHING we asked for, instead of getting us to ask, promptly dismissing it as static noise, and then running off in your own ADHD direction like we were never here.
I mean, geeze, you must have been the worst waitress ever. "Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" "Yea, I want a chicken apple walnut salad, a fruit and yogurt cup, and a water please." "Ok, I got a Big Mac, extra large fries and a Coke. Please drive around!" "No! Wait, that's totally wrong! I wanted a salad and yogurt! HELLO? HELLO? Can I speak with a manager? HELLO!?!"