T2. (Others) - Troubleshooting, Known Issues, Knowledge Base, and FAQ
NOTE: This is a partial version. For a complete version, see the User Guide file in your XtraDeconstruct folder.
Spells are costing twice as much mana as they should, why?
a. You've skipped Step #2 of the installation; after having done it, you'll need to restart LH and start a New Game.
Traits for my Sovereign / Champions / Trained Units are counted twice (e.g. Promising +15, x2), why?
a. You've skipped Step #2 of the installation; after having done it, you'll need to restart LH and start a New Game.
Beer resource or some other mod resource (e.g. Arcanium) is missing, why?
a. You've skipped Step #2 of the installation; after having done it, you'll need to restart LH and start a New Game.
Some Sovereigns (e.g. Edror, Irathiiv, Lochean, Stormlord, Vini, etc.) and some Champions are partially/totally invisible, help?
a. You are using the compatibility files for Children of Storm Mod, but you haven't downloaded and installed the original Children of Storm Mod.
a.1. Where can I find it?
a.2. Anything else I should know?
If you've downloaded "XtraDeconstruct plus DLC_MOD Compatibility Files", you also need the original Black Market Bazaar Mod and Champion Bonanza Mod files.
Download and install the latest Children of Storm compatible versions of these mods.
Some equipment icons/images (Or spells, or whatnot) are blank/missing, help?
a. You are using the compatibility files for (either/all) Black Market Bazaar, Champion Bonanza, and Children of Storm Mods, but you haven't downloaded and installed the original Mods.
a.1. Where can I find them?
If you've downloaded "XtraDeconstruct plus DLC_MOD Compatibility Files", then download and install the following Mods:
Use the latest Children of Storm compatible versions of these mods.
Rodent Repellent (or Spell so and so) is tagged as a Tactical Spell whereas it should be Strategic and/or generally speaking some information seems wrong?
a. See previous question, above; in this specific case, Rodent Repellent is a Black Market Bazaar Mod spell.
Is the modded UI working properly since the 4k update (LH 2.1)?
a. More or less.
a.1. More more or more less?
Modded DXPACK work fine if you use Small UI.
In the Main Menu, go to Options, find UI Scale, then select Small.
Where have the Path of the Mage and the Path of the Warrior gone?
a. There's now 12 paths available, alphabetically ordered; the original leveling screen only shows the first five: Assassin, Bard, Commander, Defender, Gravelord.
a.1. I guess that's my question?
Scroll down once to see Paths #6-#10 (Mage, Paladin, Ranger, Shaman, Sorcerer)
Scroll down twice to see Paths #11-#12 (Warrior, Zero)
a.2. Can I see all 12 on the same screen?
Yes you can! Let's make LH great again. See, in the User Guide, section:
H8. (UI\Optional) - XW_TraithPathChoiceWnd & XW_TraitPathChoiceWnd_2_Rows
a.3. My LH game is installed in a custom directory.
See FAQ #95.
There is something wrong with the Unit Equipment Window, the Stats are spilling over the Equipment / Inventory.
a. Read "H10. (UI) - XW_UnitDetailsWnd"
a.1. That doesn't work, my screen resolution is too small!
Read "M4. (Modding\Optional) - Hiding/Unhiding Additional Combat Stats [UnitDetailsWnd]"
a.2. Anything else I could do instead?
Delete X_UnitStatsDetails.xml
...\Documents\My Games\LegendaryHeroes\Mods\XtraDeconstruct\X_UnitStatsDetails.xml
a.3. What will that do?
Send you back to the Stone Age.
a.4. Really?
No, that will actually remove the new UnitStats icons and the new UnitStats nomenclature.
That will also hide many of them.
a.5. Why are you so snarky?
I'm not snarky, I'm sunny!
a.6. My LH game is installed in a custom directory.
See FAQ #95.
Children of Storm (CoS) isn't compatible w/ DLC05 (Leader Pack), but XtraDeconstruct is; can I use CoS, XtraDeconstruct, and DLC05 at the same time?
a. Yes and there's nothing special you need to do other than follow installation instructions; the compatibility is handled by XtraDeconstruct.
Children of Storm (CoS) hasn't been updated for LH 2.0, LH 2.1, or LH 2.2; can I use Children of Storm?
a. Yes and there's nothing special you need to do other than follow installation instructions; the compatibility is handled by XtraDeconstruct.
Some Tooltips are displaying 'string not found', is that suppose to happen?
a. No, X_elemental.str file is suppose to take care of the missing strings; the file should be in your Data folder.
...\Documents\My Games\LegendaryHeroes\Mods\Data\X_elemental.str
a.1. The file is there but I'm still seeing 'string not found'.
If FELH is installed in the Default directory, let me know where you have 'string not found', I might have overlooked some.
a.1.1. My FELH is installed in a Custom directory.
For starter, I want to point out that I'm not sure how Mods will behave w/ your current installation.
Limited testing seems to indicate a higher occurrence of crashes.
As to the issue itself, you can move X_elemental.str to the local Core folder and the issue should disappear.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FE Legendary Heroes\data\English\X_elemental.str
C:\GOG Games\Fallen Enchantress - Legendary Heroes\data\English\X_elemental.str
a.1.2. O.k., missing 'string not found' are fixed, but I still see a string of hashtags (###############) for some setup options.
They are there to "remove/replace" a hardcoded Random/Custom setup option that is not compatible w/ XtraDeconstruct.
I skipped an installation step (A1. Section) and now the Mod is not working properly.
a. ...
a.1. ...? You mean I shouldn't skip installation steps?
a.2. ...? Say something!
Don't skip installation steps.
My LH game is installed in a custom directory, anything I should be aware of?
a. See the User Guide, FAQ #95.