How would the million archers kill the dragon? It would depend on whether they can penetrate the dragon's armor. If they can't. They can't.
While the battle system in Elemental is still something to be fully fleshed out, I'm of the opinion that when a unit rolls their attack and defense that the minimum should always be say 10% of their max value. I.e. if the dragon's armor is 50 then even if he rolls a 1, he's still going to get 5 and if the max of the archer's attack is say 4, then he will never be able to damage the dragon.
There are creatures in this game that will simply be unbeatable by any number of mundane peasantry armies.
Above quote is Frogboy's comment in Who will win? 1 Dragon vs 50 swordsmen, 1 Dragon vs 500 swordsmen . Here, I am trying to make suggestion of a battle system. There are many ways to do it, and hopefully the way I described is useful for SD’s reference.
How hand-to-hand & elemental damage is calcuated
Damage inflicted = DAM * [1 + (ATT – DEF) * 2.5%]
Using this formula, when an attacker's ATT is 40 more than defender’s DEF, damage is doubled. When DEF is 40 more than attacker’s ATT, no damage can be inflicted. Unit uses Phyiscal DEF to calcuate hand-to-hand assault. All units use their Fire DEF, Ice DEF, Wind DEF to calculate damage inflicted when spells are cast on them. The only difference with magic damage (vs hand-to-hand damage) is that it is not capped at 200%.
Unit Tiers
Basic untrained, poorly armed buildable units will have median 0-20 for all ATT, Phy/Fire/Ice/Wind DEF stat.
Non-equipped highest end buildable units will have median stats of 20-40.
Fully equipped highest end, buildable units will have median stats of 40-60.
Highest end, non-buildable rare monsters will have median stat of 60-120. This represents the fact that they are powerful and will not be encountered in huge quantity in a battle; can act as Boss unit.
Now let me use Frogboy’s example. In this battle system, a Dragon will have Phy DEF of 80, a normal longbow’s attack has a natural ATT of 20 and DAM of 20, and the archer has an ATT of 10 due to his special ability (or how he is equipped). The archer cannot inflict any damage to the dragon because this ranged attack has a total ATT of only 20+10, well below the dragon’s phy DEF of 80.
However, if the same archer is equipped with “arrow of dragon slaying” instead, he can inflict 20* (1- 30*2.5%) = 5HP damage to the dragon. It is because the ‘dragon slaying arrow’ has the ability to doubles the ATT to 40 when used against a dragon. His ranged attack then has a cumulative ATT of 50. Depending on how many archers are there in the stack, they now have a chance.
(Optional, but preferred) RESIST, SPEED and COVER (ranged from -100 to 100 points)
All units have COVER and SPEED Stat.
SPEED represents the agility a unit has to evade melee attacks. It is used mainly in hand-to-hand melee combat. Melee damage is reduced by 1% when the defender’s SPEED is higher than attacker, i.e.
% Melee Damage reduced = [SPEED (of defender) – SPEED (of attacker)]%
Most, if not all, buildable humanoid units will have a SPEED rating between 40-60 when shield is not equipped.
Most mounts will increase SPEED to normal humanoid, e.g. the Mongol calvary. Terrain like swamps decreases it. Spear/Lance negates mount SPEED. SPEED is negated if unit is surprised or backstabbed or flanked. SPEED is used in “First Strike” determination.
(Haha, if there is thief unit, SPEED can used to defend item stealing)
COVER stat reduces damages caused by most, if not all, ranged attack and spells that requires accurate targeting. Ranged attack damage is reduced by 1% for every COVER point a unit has, i.e.
% Ranged damage reduced = COVER % + SPEED/5
To give a general idea, equipping high end full plate non-magical armor will give 20 COVER, reduces 30 SPEED, and add 20 DEF. Terrains like dense jungle, castle wall will increase unit COVER.
RESIST stat is used against non-elemental spell effects and special ability (Poison Attacks, Life-stealing, Gaze Attacks, etc.) just like how it works in MOM. For example, unit having RESIST of 20 has 20% chance of evading Graze attack or similar effects.
% Chance of completely evading non-elemental magic effect = RESIST %
For SOME elemental spells/effect, regardless of its resultant spell ATT strength, the victim has
% Chance of evading respective elemental magic effect = Fire/Ice/Wind DEF %
There should be many benefits. It allows a straight forward (higher always better) & consistent stat comparison between unit tiers. It does not need a dice roll, so combat result depends on more on the strategic planning before the battle than dice luck. And because there is no dice roll, gamer will have an easier time adjusting equipment by learning the intricacies of battle.
Any comment, or improvement suggestion?