I posted a little while ago about a space colony mod, and someone expressed a vague interest. That was enough for me to churn out some concept art and write a little bit of background and key features. Since other people seem to start planning out their own mods, I'll also start.
A Colonize 'n Conquer mod for Elemental: War of Magic
One political party has dominated the Republic for thousands of years: Unity. Under it the various squabbling political parties have ceased infighting to pose a unified front to the vastly more powerful alien empires, confederacies and democracies that populate the Milky Way. On the surface, humanity is strong and independent.
But far from Earth and humanity's core holdings, it is clear that these old political and social rivalries have reached a bitter boiling point. Outside of the Republic lies the Green Belt, a region of rich and fertile planets as yet untouched. But these planets that were meant to be shared for all of humanity are being fought over. Once green paradises are burnt to ash merely to deprive someone else of it. This, all for an edge in what is felt to be an inevitable civil war to come. Meanwhile those on Earth are ignorant of these secret wars, but Unity is beginning to catch on...
You are an agent for one of these desperate factions, here to expel all other interests and put into place your own. If you cannot secure the planet, you are to destroy it, however you can. May your actions give you victory, commander.
-- Powerful terraforming technologies allows you tailor the planet to your colony's needs, while depriving it from your enemy. Turn lifeless planets into verdant paradises.
-- Depending on your proximity to Earth, the gameplay will change. Closer to Earth political intrigue and diplomatic leverage will be much more important, while further away there is less oversight allowing you to do much more aggressive actions with fewer repercussions.
-- Not only military, social, diplomatic, and research victories, but also an armageddon victory where you deprive your enemies of the planet by making the surface unlivable.
-- Saves your destroyed planets so you can try to claim its blasted, ruined surface later, along with your old ruined cities.
OK, a little note. I'm not a professional artist, and I did these freehand in GIMP along with the Smudge tool, so it's pretty crude. I just want you to know that before I start sharing with you my ugly-ass art. It's concept art, so it's allowed to be.