I upgraded my ObjectDesktop license. It will unlock the current versions of Windows 10 applications, but it does not offer me downloads for Windows 11. Why is that? Nowhere in the website do I see a link to let me download version 11 applications which are already included in my purchased update. What am I missing?
Go here: https://store.stardock.com/myaccount/products and click on "View Individual Downloads" located below Object Desktop Manager.
Yes, I have that and it works fine. But I want to download the programs individually. That's not an option available - that I can see.
Also, do note that some Stardock program is not compatible with Windows 11. You can review it here : https://forums.stardock.com/505717/windows-11-and-stardock-app-compatibility
Thank you,
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant
You can do that by Clicking that "View Individual Downloads" and the list will open up
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant.
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