Hello All!
After pouring a massive amount of time into this game I have come to know the AI like a close brother. I know what he will do long before he does it. There are a number of things that the AI could do better that I would like to share:
1. Expand faster. I don't know if I have just gotten better at the game over time, but it seems like the AI expands far too slowly. I can win tiny maps in under 2 minutes using only frigates due to this glaring weakness.
2. Hide his strategy. I usually play with the random AI strat. If he is going to be air heavy, he gives it away too early by sending t1 bombers at some of your bases as soon as he possibly can. It would be better to hide what he's doing in order to use it more effectively and en masse so to speak. sending single groups of whatever strategy-based build he has is practically useless.
3. Better Air: building off the last, the AI air strategy is pitiful. He will eventually build t2 bombers/rampagers, but he will send them out alone or in pairs with no other support. if he would only send some fighters and other air (to draw turret fire) at the same time, the t2 air units would be much more effective.
4. Less reliance on dreadnoughts. It seems that regardless of his build strategy, it always revolves around pumping out dreads as fast as possible. He will, over time, build more dread production buildings and eventually 1 that will make juggernauts. It is very easy to corral his dread routes past your upgraded ground defenses to render them useless. He gets behind on quanta investiture and unit quantity in the name of pumping out minimally effective dreads.
5. Attack rear bases. The AI almost always goes full frontal assault. It pays no real mind to supply routes or cutting off resources. It will occasionally send air units to harass some of the rear bases (ineffectively at that), but overall, it's "strait line" approach is a colossal failure. The AI needs to take resources and supply into consideration.
6. Target the objectives that will allow it to survive longer. The AI does a variety of stupid things. The order of attack seems to be: engineers/constructors, then pop up turrets (orbital based), then whatever is in front of it (meaning you can go in from the side and pick him off while he is only concentrating on what is directly in front of him). His insistence on chasing Engineers/Constructors means I can manipulate him into following them around until his army dies. Kiteing with builders..., that is really the dumbest thing the AI does.
7. Build things in different spots. The AI always builds the same buildings in the same pattern. The only deviation is when the terrain doesn't allow him to build in his default configuration. I know where his AA turrets will be before he builds them. I know what PG his dread launch will be at. I know exactly where the armies will be coming from. A little randomness would help the AI immensely.
Thanks for reading. I just want to expose the AI weakness based on my 9 months of playing in hopes that it will improve to add more challenge.