I got a response back for the ticket
"I believe this is normal for cinematic mode. Have you watched a battle in cinematic mode? I think the bokeh is on purpose.
Please let me know if you have any further questions/concerns."
Below is the response I sent back, but I thought I would get others opinions on the Free camera mode in case its just me who sees it as a problem. Likewise I might not be very articulate in my response so I thought it would be good to get maybe a better worded response if what I typed is confusing lol. Also i seemed to confuse the matter in my ticket as the Gif said 'cinematic mode' not 'Free' camera mode ... so opps lol
Edit: FYI Bokeh is "the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens."
Hey! thanks for the reply 
In cinematic mode that is fine since it generally focuses on a ship up close so the main ship the camera is on is in focus.
The issue Im referring to is to do with Free Camera mode, or atleast the side effect the Bokeh value has on the free camera mode. I think the gif says "cinematic mode" as I had the game paused when I took the screen shot and the camera dosnt change until you unpause the game.
I have added some more images if that helps illustrate what Im talking about.
-In the First Image its in the default Top Down view, the ships arnt blurred.
-The second image is in Free camera mode, all I did was scrolled the mouse slightly which automatically puts it in free camera. The ships are now blurred at the same distance.
-The last image is zoomed in more, they are still blurred. This is also in Free camera mode.
What I think is the issue, if you even see it as a issue, is that free camera mode dosnt have a dynamic Bokeh value. Im guessing there is a xml value somewhere that sets the distance at which the focal point/point in which the blur for the Boken is set to. During Top down its set at a far plane value as to keep all the distant ships in focus, while in Cinematic mode the value is set relativity close to the screen as to give that "cinematic" realistic feeling.
IMO the Free camera mode should have, when zoomed out, the Boken value of the Top Down camera to keep the ships in focus which you would want when moving the camera in the battle field. Then as you zoom in closer it should slowly transition to the cinematic camera Boken value. If that makes sense? That way you dont get this jarring instant blur when you go into free camera mode. As it is now the free camera mode is impractical at long distances. The other alternative is to remove the Boken value entirely while in free camera mode so that all the ships are always in focus.
Im no programmer so maybe Im butchering the terminology, but I think the main point im trying to bring across is that free camera mode blurring when your at a zoomed out view is just jarring and looks strange
Hope that helps!
Im wondering, does anyone remember if this was always the case in free camera mode and I never noticed? Or is it 'new' from the last few patches so i didnt notice it until now since I havnt played in awhile.