Back, my attempts to create consulate guide has been unsuccessful because I keep on rolling maps rich in LIfe/Death Shards. Ah. Gods of RNG. You never fail to amuse me.
Anyways At least I got one map where it isn't heavy in Death shards. The war, I was forced into it anyways; normally I play passive. But Yithril is hyperaggressive so I had to go and take him out.
Yithril dow'd me. Not me dowing him..
Blessings of the dead upon me.. as I found the Fortress of Calebethon upon a 1 food 5 production forest tile not the 2 essence tile.
At the beginning the production boost is way more important than some silly essence tiles unless its a 4 or 5 essence tile. Thus i settle my first village on 5 production tiles if I can.
Then after it hits level 2 or 3 is when I start to spam alot of skeletons/banshees.

As I start the research on Consulate tech... I got dow'd by yithril on same turn as I started Cooperation tech. I give up on peaceful start, and start sending my skeletons/banshees towards their territory with me capping several outposts on the way!

And with well timed summon of a single skeleton, it pulls whole enemy formation into disarray as they lemming to gank it because it's the weakest unit in my army thereby allowing my fragile skeletons and butcherman enter their territory with little resistance and amass swarm bonuses.

Meanwhile I have my Bacco's army level up by slaying monsters and doing quests in the area and kill a random questing hero from Yithril.

Then I discover why Yithril is running away with the game....

No wonder why he became so hyperaggressive and dow'd me.
oops I forgot to take a screenshot of Ahilga before I capped it but, this is the screenshot of my set up.

Yes that is correct, I'm still using Basic Spears + skeletons plus a unit of butcherman in my main army. up against tons of militia, several units in chaimail and angry juggernaught in southeast of the screenshot.
After three horrific wails from Morrigan in a row, while skeletons held the trog horde back at the positions as shown in the screenshot..
Yithril Troops start to run away from the battleline in attempt to reach safety and a game of chicken began between my skeletons and his juggernaught, The juggernaught made one mistake of staying one tile too close to me after several turns of attack moves and retreats and ended up getting caught by my skeletons and locked down by terror ability. Until the result is as you see this.

Battle was quite close, exciting seesaw fight.
But it was only inevitable that they would fall to the dead..

With Capital down, my Bacco raced to other city from Yithril and attacked it..

Enemy attack might as well be at 153 because of my Banshee's -50% physical damage it takes reduction ability. 
It was very one sided.

With this, the claim of dead being helpless and unable to defeat anyone at the beginning of the game is disproven. IN the meanwhile through the war against Yithril, I have razed a city and settled two new towns. With one which is already a conclave due to fall of Ahilga.

My Consulate strategy comes into play if you start isolated at minimum. It will allow you to have minimal army for monster slaying/questing while focusing all the production in setting Consulates up and expanding. It doesn't quite happen if you start next to yithril though because you will be forced to make alot of soldiers to defend yourself.
Plus it seems like you don't understand how helpful a consulate can be. With one of them attached to a village then it will have 1 growth! Two equals two growth! Three equals three! At minimum every single village without a essence for morrigan's call will get a consulate built and set up. I aim to set at least one up for each village I settle. It's a slow start but can snow ball after enough turns pass.
And if you MUST have alot of consulates set up fast, do it in a fortress first because they have the highest production and with about 5 growth after five consulates.. that's alot of skeletons being found from the land and summoned to help you expand. 
Edit: Might as well add in the latest screenshot of my the dead playthrough.
I rolled through Tarth and Gilden with no problems, even when I was wielding the basic spears. Tarth/Gilden couldn't land a hit on my ghosts to save their lives and they ended up dead. Then blood season happened and thus war against everyone. I'm going amok and ripping magnar apart at the moment, razed three of their villages just now. I have achieved a significant point lead at the moment and is constructing two new armies right now.