I really like the Elemental series. Pre-ordered way back when... Got 292:56 hours into LH. The skill and dedication of the Stardock crew is very evident in the game. This is one of the better games I've played. And I especially appreciate and respect the continuing upgrades/improvement to the game. Many companies would have long ago moved on, and Stardock has abided by their promise to keep improving the game. That means a lot!
The AI still is getting better and better but it's still in need of improving -- especially in comparison to the artwork (I really love all the detail -- the artists did a great job), the spells, the modability, the... well all the other components. Good AI is especially important as there's no multi-player and the AI is all we got.
This isn't a complaint! It's 'feedback'.
Current game, using Heavenfall's excellent CoS mod (updated) and my variation of Odinlowbane's 'Duke the Wolflord' mods, huge world, Insane difficulty, and only 1 AI (Skeleton King), season 283:
Yep, while there's a few enemy in a couple of their cities, they have 32! armies sitting in one spot. They've been there quite a long time. We've been at war for quite a while, and Skelie has a number of mobs wandering his lands, yet his armies are having some sort of Burning Man (literally?) ceremony...
All the AI cities -- and by 'all' I mean every single one of Skelies 12 cites -- say 'No Construction'.
It's not that Skelie can't afford more units -- he's got 32,226 gildars in his bank.
Perhaps Skelie has built everything possible in every city (if so then why not build growth/mana/wealth/research?).
Most of Skelie's cities have 15 buildings listed but a few have less (and a few a couple more) so he has been constructing buildings.
I've shown in previous posts that cities with build times of 1 turn can be constructing building and it just doesn't show in the 'constructing' list above the city, but 12 of 12?
There's a lot of open land ripe for settling. Skelie hasn't built a new city in a long time.
Given the above, I think this 'all cities have No Construction' thing needs examining.
I appreciate the DLC packs, but I'd like to see a DLC for 'Sooper-Dooper AI'.