Ever tire of managing all those crappy cities? Well this is the mod for you. "One City to rule them all" removes the ability for pioneers to make more cities, so you only get one city.
(affects only the custom race in this mod of course)
If you fear about keeping up with only one city, no worries, you get lots of goodies to play around with to compensate. If you remember OCC from the Civilization series, this is my attempt to bring back some of that fun into elemental.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95181126/OneCitytoRule.zip (extract into your Documents/My Games/LegendaryHeroes/Mods folder)
Without further ado "One City to rule them all", contains:
- 6 new race specific buildings intended to help you keep up with your lone city against the vast AI empires.
- 1 customized new empire race and faction, with a new exciting ability to play around with.
- Life Magic book sold in a shop in your new shiny city. Yes you can have Life magic as Empire with this.
- New city level threshold at 1000 population, as well as a new building reward adding +1 of each elemental shards power. (lvl 6 cities baby!)
NB! The included Sovereign has greatly reduced magic damage from spells, (-50%) to encourage other paths. (It has other goodies to compensate, no worries ^^) If you still want to do a mage sovereign with her, I recommend going summons.
More detailed information below:
The faction abilities is:
Blood ability: (racial trait)
- +20% xp
- +50% extra cost to unit Wages
- Lightning Form (active ability)
Building bonuses: (total requiring a 1000 pop city)
- +1 Growth
- +4 Materials
- +2 Grain
- +3 Essence
- +14 Research
- +50% Research
- +3 mana per essence
- +20 Gildar
- +2 Life Power, +1 Death Power, +1 each of Earth/Fire/Water/Air power.
Life Magic:
University of Seth'Ashar available at 350 population. Upon completion, Book of Light becomes available in the city shop for the price of 180 gildar.
Final Comments: (testers needed)
I think I've gotten rid of the bugs and tweaked the values properly, however a mod this size is untested waters for me, so any feedback on these issues is greatly appreciated.
-I've tried making gildar the main issue to prevent spamming as well as making some very costly buildings, but hopefully it shouldn't be detrimental to the playing experience. (you start with air magic for propaganda, as well as having possibly at least 4+ essences)
-The population thresholds for the buildings as well as their bonuses might need polishing. I think they are roughly were they are supposed to be, but nothing is set in stone.
- The lightning form ability should hopefully be balanced with no ranged weapons, as well as a big damage hit. Tell me how it works for you. I might need to further reduce damage in case it spirals out of control with company sized troops.
- AI lvl 6 cities. They could get some nasty spell damage if they get enough level 6 cities with their bonuses. This might be an indirect buff to AI's. I haven't faced this faction AI yet, and it has no poorly designed troops, so I hope it can do well in combat even with just one city.
Have fun!