well, that was interesting.
strung out multiple code sets, renamed to eclicpse1,2, 3, 4
set the turn time to 5,7,9,11
levels 1 @ 5
2 @ 7
2 @ 9
5 @ 11
small map, normal- moderate across the board.
"wildland" areas seem to be gaining exp, but at a slower rate than intended, and some not at all by the looks - edit, after looking at the exp bars, they are, some seem to have much higher exp requirements.
rest of them look to be getting experience (based on player's "exp needed to next level" requirements? but this would not make sense late game, the exp would be much higher and therefore level the mobs a ton, less it is capping off once the value is met), not necessarily enough to level the monsters themselves, but they are gaining levels, including to an extent the secondary members of the groups - almost looks like divide exp is affecting groups of creatures, or they have different exp requirements. no matter - they are gaining levels, just not as expected.
the problem though, is that the player is also gaining levels. first thought it was because of custom race or mod, but nope, good ol Relias gained levels right along with the mobs, along with a lesser amount for the starting troops, and frisk the champion lol. likewise for Reslon, queen at level 11 at the end of turn 11.
other playable factions in game however are not gaining exp, Lady I was only level 2, her army still at 1 while Relias was at level 11 - oops.
code itself is stable, no crashes, the bik movie plays each time as a reminder.
conundrum, as the once or twice ive seen the parent event happen in game, it is always later on turn wise, and didnt notice a connection to player level gain.
going to remove reward 2, see what happens.