I humbly request two additional keys to the interface that I have noticed are lacking...
1) I'd like some kind of button to continue a unit's queued movement orders. Highlight Randalf the Magician, press x or something and he will continue on his merry way that was previously selected. Unless I'm missing it there is no way to do this currently other than ending the turn and then all your queued movements on all your troops go. I'd prefer to order one guy, tell him to go, then highlight the next one. Anyone else miss this?
2) There doesn't seem to be any way to interact with a square when you are on top of it. For example, suppose you accidentally click on a path through a quest square and your turn ends with you standing on the square - hooray right - until you realize that you can't interact with the square until you move off of it and back onto it. For another example, have you ever been randomly attacked by a beastie sitting on a treasure? Once you win the battle, your movement ends and you are pulled into the spot where the beastie was. The only way you can get at that little treasure is to wander off of the spot and then go back to the spot. So this random attack of a beastie you probably were going to attack anyway ends up costing you a turn since you have to spend the next turn moving off into an adjacent square then moving back into the square you were just at. Very annoying. How about an interact button or key?