Outpost Upgrades

Current Release Version: 1.02 for Legendary Heroes 1.20
Outpost Upgrades 1.02

This mod is installed to your User/Documents/My Games/LegendaryHeroes/Mods directory. There is a folder inside the .zip file. As this mod uses only existing graphical resources, there is no need to do anything but extract the folder to your /Mods directory. This mod will only work if Mods are enabled in Legendary Heroes.
Adds five new improvements to Outposts. AI packages have been added to encourage them to build these new upgrades, which are as follows:
Outpost Carpenter:
+2 Production. Requires Weaponry technology (same technology for Lumber Mill).
Outpost Farms:
+5 Food. Requires Agriculture technology (same technology for Irrigated Farms).
Outpost Inn:
-2% Unrest. Requires Cooperation technology (same technology for roads to Outposts). People feel happier with a safe place to stay when they are traveling.
Outpost Windmill:
+10 Food. Requires Craftsmanship technology (same technology for Mill).
Outpost Smithy:
+3 Production. Requires Blacksmithing technology (same technology for Blacksmith).
Note that each bonus to Food or Production is a discrete bonus. Unlike Gardens, Granaries, Lumber Mills, or Workshops this bonus does not scale in any way with the grain or materials of your city.
It is a hard world, and most of the food raised at the outpost is used feeding the people who live there. Lumber worked at the carpenter and iron at the smithy is used to shore up the outpost's battered defenses. However, they still are able to send a small amount back to the town that the outpost is connected to. A total bonus of +5 Production and +15 Food is moderate, but recall that it is possible to build multiple outposts connected to a single city!
Also, the new additions do not clip through or hover over Cliffs, Coasts, Chasms, or Caltrops!

Future Plans:
I added these buildings to the Outpost to ensure AI compatibility. It is always my goal for the AI to be as capable of using additions as the player (or at least give the appearance of playing by the same rules). However, the best option would be to add a new pioneer activity to build a "Farming Village." This would function like an outpost, but focus on economic improvements. This would get around the issue of being able to build farms in Arctic and Desert Terrain (See Below).
Issues and Compatibility:
-This mod should be compatible with all mods that do not add buildings to outposts. If for some reason, a mod adds a building to an outpost in the same location as the new ones I added, the only issue that should occur would be a graphical overlap/glitch.
-If Warden ever gets added back into the game, the Smithy/Carpenter occupy the space which was once taken by the Warden.
-The new buildings might look odd on steep hills. Surprisingly, the farms manage pretty well on the hills! This is actually an issue with the base game, as the outpost "Fortify" building is the worst offender here.
-Farms and Windmills (with associated edible vegetation) can be grown in Arctic and Desert terrain. I'm considering options on this, but it is an issue for aesthetics / plausibility only (not gameplay per se). The best option would be to develop a new pioneer build action; this action needs to be usable by the AI for me to even consider adding it.
Usage and Credits:
-Anyone may use this mod, components of this mod, or information from this mod for any reason at any time. I do request that credit be given, and that I be informed of the usage (after the fact is completely fine). If updates or bug-fixes are released, I would very much like to distribute the updated version to anyone who might be incorporating it.
-Thanks to the Stardock coders, your .xml is easy to follow.