I heed Lord Reliant's call. Not sure how long I'll be able to work on this.
Going to start with the scenario, assuming it was just released and will need some editing. Not going to be super picky about sentence structure and using dashes, ellipses, commas and stuff. Unless Derek wants to hire me to rewrite everything, ha. BTW the writing is better in LH, these are mostly little things.
There may be some xmls related to the scenario that aren't in the scenario folder, but I'm not sure. Be back later maybe to do more stuff.
<DisplayName>The War for Anthys</DisplayName>
You were sent to explore the shattered eastern continent. What you found, and left behind, was much darker than the vague rumors that had floated west. You were betrayed by Karavox, you released the Oracle of Cyndrum, and your pride cursed those that followed you. Because of your actions your settlements are now inhabited by the Wraiths, the dead have risen across Elemental, and Shirayne...
But there is no time to mourn. The west is more than scattered creatures rising from the darkness, the Fallen have formed cities and forged armies. Even now they march for the Henge and across into the kingdoms of the west. You must warn Queen Procipinee, and form your own armies, for the west will not be able to stand long without your aid.
<UnitType InternalName="Unit_Heavy_Trog_Quest">
<Backstory>"The sound of their boots upon the city's cobblestones shall haunt my dreams, in this life and the next." - Hengut the Younger of Odenvell.
Trog heavy infantry. The armies of the Titans of old - the endless swarms of soldiers depicted in the great paintings and murals recovered from the Imperium's ruins - were often led by units similar to these, whose appearance foretold the coming of battle, of death and destruction.</Backstory>
<UnitType InternalName="Unit_Magic_Medium_Quendar_Quest">
<Backstory>"Discipline is first, second, and third when building an effective fighting force. Little else matters." These words - spoken by Vergaxa of the Quendar - remain the watchword for the commanders of this army. They will make slaves of any fighter they defeat in battle; they will conscript any banker, baker, or miner whose path they cross. From those slaves they will make soldiers, and from those soldiers, massive armies driven by fear of the lash, and inculcated with the discipline prescribed by Vergaxa centuries earlier.</Backstory>
<UnitType InternalName="Unit_Juggernaut_Quest">
<Backstory>"Feel no pain. Know no fear. Need no rest. Fight till the foe falls. Then seek the next battle." These are the watchwords of the yatra nata - the Juggernauts - the elite among all Trog warriors, soldiers segregated from their brethren on their eleventh name day for special training. History says their first battle came a dozen years after the Quendar conquered Teroth-Nu, when eight of them overthrew a city full of Magnar II's troops, and retook Kir-Tion's throne.</Backstory>
<UnitType InternalName="Unit_Medium_Krax_Quest"> Visual Studio reports ILLEGAL WHITESPACE between side and a (highlighted below where the ; is added)
<Backstory>There are no more stalwart defenders than the armies of Kraxis; their ability to establish and protect near-unassailable battlefield positions is well-documented. Recall the siege of Morrania, the last of the great pre-cataclysmic battles between Man and Fallen, where four hundred Krax held off two thousand D'Rog fighters. Some may call them traitors, but the Krax have an unshakable belief in the righteousness of their cause, and an uncanny ability to persuade others to their side;
a trait opposing commanders would do well to take note of.</Backstory>
<UnitType InternalName="Unit_Light_Trog_Quest">
<Description>Axeman are good early skirmishers, thought they can't wield shields their Cleave ability allows them to attack multiple enemies at once.</Description>
<Backstory>These are Elemental's most fearsome warriors; bred for battle, taught to strike without mercy and to ignore pain, to banish the words 'caution' and 'surrender' from their vocabulary. Whether you engage them in single combat, or fight them in phalanxes, you will learn the truth of those words attributed to Iskahar, last of Ereog's line, as he lay dying on the steppes of Engar. "It is no shame to perish to a superior foe."</Backstory>
<UnitType InternalName="Unit_Magic_Light_Trog_Quest"> ^^^Same as above backstory
<ChoiceText>Procipinee waits just outside the entrance to the forge, still straining to hold the gate open. Through the gate you can feel the world already turning on the now powerless Fallen armies. You also realize that the only connection you have with the world is through Procipinee's gate, outside of the rest of the forge there is only empty space and distant stars.
"We owe you a great debt," Procipinee says. "But I cannot allow you to return to this world. We cannot accept a new titan, no matter how benevolent you would be in the beginning."</ChoiceText>
<QuestDef InternalName="Quest_LHScenario_Inn">
<ChoiceText>"A war is coming." You say. "I need every able man to join the fight."
"Found a camp and men will rally to your cause, be they soldiers, cooks or craftsmen," the innkeeper answers.
"An army needs all of these and more," you say. "Is there a good place to make camp nearby? We will need fertile land to grow food and space for barracks and workshops."
"The syndicate controls the north, though the land is good, they will not relinquish it easily. To the south east there is open land, but the Wildings beyond may harass your people," the innkeeper answers. "For our part we will join you, how can we best serve you?"</ChoiceText>
<QuestDef InternalName="Quest_LHScenario_ArcaneMonolith">
<DisplayName>The Missing Courier</DisplayName>
<Description>"I've dispatched some scrolls to you, the secrets to casting the Arcane Monolith spell. With it you can create outposts with a spell and save your men for building cities and armies," Queen Procipinee says.
"But the courier was waylaid by Yithril soldiers," she continues. "Rescue the men so the spell doesn't fall into Verga's hands."</Description>
<ChoiceText>Trog soldiers relax in the remains of the courier's camp and pull strips of foul smelling meat off of the fire. There is no sign of the courier, but you see the Pariden banner, some supplies, clothes and scrolls lying in the mud. The clothes are torn and bloodstained, and it takes a minute for you to realize what is cooking on the fire and why it smells so bad.</ChoiceText>
<QuestDef InternalName="Quest_LHScenario_Jordur">
<DisplayName>Jordur the Giant</DisplayName>
<Description>"Welcome to the war, Relias," Irane says. "If Carrodus is all that stands between us and the east then they will be on us soon. I am sure he is attempting to bribe them, but the gray skins care little for gold."
"In the meantime the fool has jailed one of my soldiers, Jordur the Giant. Would you break him out of the small jail where they are keeping him? We will need him for the war."
"One more thing," she continues. "Do not suggest that Jordur may be anything but pure Tarth blood. He obviously looks inhuman... but he does not take criticism well."</Description>
<PopupMessage>"We are sorry to leave you to the wolves," the caravan master says. "Many in our kingdom would prefer to be standing with you against the fallen. But for now all I can offer is some metal we weren't able to sell." (+100 metal)</PopupMessage>
<PopupObjectiveMsg>Searching through the remains you find the caravan's logbook. It should be all the evidence you need to prove to Markin that he cannot avoid the war.</PopupObjectiveMsg>
<QuestDef InternalName="Quest_LHScenario_Pool1"> this is done 3x
<DisplayName>Scrying Pool</DisplayName>
<Description>There is an old scrying pool here, a place where shamans and Amarian diviners gathered to glimpse the future. They hoped that by seeing the future they could change or prepare for it. With all of Anthys at war there has never been a time where the future was less certain and you wonder what the pool's murky depths may show.</Description>
<ChoiceText>Deep in the pool's depths you see another world and another time. In that place Shirayne is waking up on the beach, and you have faded and disappeared entirely.</ChoiceText>
<QuestDef InternalName="Quest_LHScenario_GildenGate">
<DisplayName>The Walls of Gilden</DisplayName>
<Description>"We have nothing to fear from the eastern hordes," Markin says. "Our walls are mountains, our bones steel. Gilden soldiers will not bleed and die in foreign wars."</Description>
<ShortTextAccept>You cannot hide forever, I will be back</ShortTextAccept>
<ShortTextDeny>Then you are no ally of mine, you will face the hordes alone</ShortTextDeny>
<SuccessText>The color drains from Markin's face as he reads the logs.
"We were never safe," he says, that familiar confidence gone from his voice. "Gilden will march again!"</SuccessText>
<Description>I have evidence that Gilden is already under attack</Description>
<Description>A scrying pool made of crumbling blocks. Despite its age the water is still clear and blue.</Description>
<Equipment>Mace_Golem</Equipment> this is done 2x
<Backstory>Within the third quarto of the Varis Reliquaria is contained the spell Anima Tsal Animana - life from lifelessness. This incantation, first mastered by Ereog in his time of solitude, imbues stone with the semblance of life.
A Guardian Idol is the next stage of that design. It is not only given a portion of life by its enchanter, but a portion of their power as well. And through the Idol, the enchanters' magic can act.</Backstory>