so odd.
I remember to be a scary, scary demon-beast of a Dragon general, who gave me nightmares as I cried myself to sleep each night.
Where did the old Waerloga go??
(hmm, is it just that fear got nerfed? It used to stop you from acting completely ... not to mention the fact that it was him (riding on an ashwake of course) acompanied by 4 or 5 other ashwake dragons. and ALL could cast fear (and they did quite often).
Usually my army would die before I could even move ... lol.
A powerful late-game army would be lucky to get in around 100 damage or so on an enemy unit .... (at least if units are level 1) ... so my plan was to build up 10-15 late-game armies and attack him with all in the same turn, hopefully killing him with the final, Sov backed army.
Back then my only complaint with him was that, after you 'lost' to him ... sure he is on the map now, but all he did was SIT there. IF he had been an active AI going about destroying (or rather conquering) the lands would have been hands down BEST final boss ever.
Actually ... yea ... It'd be cool if Waerloga, upon being released, started (if not outright attacking ALL your cities) taking over nearby cities, training late-game armies, and sending them out to conquer other cities.
THEN you'd have to fight through his mooks before finally finishing him off, since you (or someone else) let him escape in the first place ...
Muahahaha ... may the Dragonlord yet return!
(personally I'd prefer if it said 'Dragonlord' better than champion, but his full name works too (Dragonlord Waerloga)