Playing stormworld on the huge map. with couple of additional mods (bridge, knives, summoners, large ui, tentstyle and swamptiles).
at first I thought I've just been incredibly unlucky. Now I am pretty sure a bug has hit me.
after more then 200 seasons I did not found a single source of horse, warg, metal or crystal or influence.
There is plenty food resources and shards, but not those that are necessary for any serious warfare. My only source of crystal are the ophidians
What's more interesting is that it seems none of the other factions found their own sources as I can't trade with them the resources. They got some influence on occassion (presumably from missionary halls or quests) but that's it. I am battling hordes of brawlers, militias and archers (those are scary enough, as at this point of game they get into 5 man squads with 150 attack).
Not sure if save would be of any help, but something you might want to check.
Honestly I think that I've seen at least one iron mine and crystal crag early in the game, but they disappeared.
Anyone observed something like this earlier?