I consider the iPad a pointless device, personally. I had the opportunity to road test one of the gen twos ages ago for a week or so, and I never really figured out what I was supposed to be doing with it. Typing is garbage, the screen isn't accurate enough for use as a dedicated art tablet, the lack of flash support kills it and my smart phone does better web browsing. Apart from being a nice eReader and movie player, which my notebook does for less then half the price, it's basically useless.
The Surface RT is, frankly, a complete and utter waste of money. Avoid it at all costs. It's too slow, too restrictive and too expensive.
The Surface Pro, however, well it's a bit of a revolution. Because it runs legacy Windows based software, and has a USB 3.0 port, it's a decent Laptop with a touch screen that can be converted into a tablet when needed. Email? Art? Coding? Games? Movies? Word processing/Spread sheets? Multi-tasking any combination of the aforementioned? This thing has you covered and then some. It's expensive, but you're not getting a tablet; you're getting the most versatile mobile PC ever made.
Fold it up and read on the couch, lay it out and code up some worker methods on the table or grab the pen and draw a masterpiece. I can't recall the last time I was this impressed by a piece of hardware.