Added a bunch of new random events like "Return of the Titans", "The Lost Protector", "The Syndicate Responds", "Unearthed Treasures" and many more
Air Elementals and Crow Demons can fly (ie: they can pass over all terrain), a rare event may allow a player to gain this ability
If you fail a battle in a quest the monsters remain in that tile and you can return later to reattempt killing them and progress the quest
New Choose World and Choose Opponents screens with new options
Added the Governor's Office improvement- Town only, improves the production per material in all cities
Added the Despair spell (drains life from all enemies)
Added the Delin's Breath spell (shoots a fireball at all enemies)
Added the Coal Stones spell (shoots a lance of fire at all enemies)
Added the Propaganda city enchantment spell (air spell, increases gildar in the city)
Added the Oppresision city enchantment spell (death spell, reduces unrest)
Added 12 new achievements (winning with the different victory types, defeating various unique creatures, etc)
SpawnMonster's game modifier can now specify what groupingtype a given unit comes in (so an encounter can now specify a group of monsters)
ChangeWorld game modifier added that allows anything that uses a map based game modifier to change anything in elementaldefs.xml
ChangeMovementType game modifier added that allows things to change a unit's movement class (such as to flying)
Units given to player via a quest or event can now be given their own names (Like "Bob") instead of it having the unit type's display name.
The GiveItem modifier can now override the name of the item and the description.
Added the Summon Abomination spell (quest unlock)
Added the Titan's Imp spell (quest unlock)
Added a game option to disable moving in the tile in tactical combat (if its selected units won't move to the edge of the itle and back to attack/defend)
Added Prior and Next buttons to the build and train windows so you can jump through your cities from those menus.
The city levelup window shows the cities stats so you can make a more informed decision when picking your improvement.
All new tile designs for each of the city types at each level
Lots of new tactical arenas for quests (dungeons, temples, ruins, etc)
Fixed an issue where units couldn’t be killed on the strategic map (if, for example, you did enough damage through a strategic spell)
Fixed an issue where you could pull up the WoM lorebook when you clicked on resources
Fixed bug where objects that were exposed but under fog were not being displayed on map after loading a saved game
Fixed crashes
Sacrifice now correctly gives 1 mana per population lost
Wall of Fire is now correctly listed as a city spell
Fixed an issue where hitting the space bar with your unit selected would not go to the next unit
On start of new turn, game will select the first available unit if possible
Fixed bug that caused stackable spells to not be able to be cast on a city (they don't care about essence)
A unit on auto pilot will now cancel their destination if they come within range of a threat
Fixed animation bug that caused monsters to run in place
Fixed the True Strike ability
Fixed a bug with the Impulsive trait and tactical battles, wherein the initiative list would display wrongly for the first turn of impulsive units.
Fixed a bug where rearranging the build queue could allow you to rush things at the old items cost
Fixed bug where improvements with player-wide modifiers (such as modifying faction-wide unrest with the prison) applied those modifiers twice on completing construction
Fixed bug where, when ZOC ownership changed and a life/death shrine was destroyed, the shard it was built on top of did not flip
Fixed a bug where pedestrians were shown on city walls under FoW
Fixed a bug where particle effects were showing up under the FoW
Removed gear from units in the Trade Proposal Window
Fixed an issue causing the health bars in tactical to not update
Fixed an issue with missing icons for empty lots
Fixed the Lucky faction ability
Fixed an issue with the Palace and Black Market medallions
Population tooltip won’t show an overflow number when growth has stopped (instead it says “Lack of food is preventing growth”)
Fixed bug where you could double-click a tactical spell entry in the spellbook in strategic mode and be allowed to cast the spell
Fixed an issue allowing all ai players to train Ironeer Pilgrims
Added a minimum cost to rush production to 25 (you can no long rush and get money back)
Fixed the icon for the Garrote Lair
Fixed some obsolete intro text on custom sovereigns
Fixed the Blacksmith
Removed references the finding "magical" items when the random item rolled may not be magical
Fixed an animation blend issue when zooming to cloth map mode (the infamous mire skath proctologist issue)
Increased the dodge bonus on the cloak of shadows, darkling cloak, dancing boots and cloak of the night
Throwing knives require weaponry instead of weaponsmithing
Meditation spell is available to all sovereigns
Nerfed Obsession
Increased the attack on the Sindarian Staff and placed it on Weaponry
Arcane Weaponry requires Weapons of War
Arcane Armor requires Heavy Armor
Dark Wizards can cast Despair
Titan's can cast Delin's Breath and Despair
Wilding Shamans can cast Coal Stones
Heart of Fire's effect is reduced and made a Fire 1 spell
Sovereign's Call made into a Life 1 spell
Staff of the furnace enables the Coal Stones spell instead of Flame Dart
Raised bow damage slightly
Removed the production bonus on Mining
Removed the food and production bonus on Construction
1st level Shard shrine costs increased from 48 to 100
2nd level increased from 105 to 150
Apiary cost increased from 40 to 100
Barracks increases accuracy of units from 10 to 15 (was previously identical to training yard)
Brewery increases faction wide food benefit from 20 to 40
Butcher increases faction wide food benefit from 15 to 20
Darkling camp cost increased from 40 to 100
Asok camp increased from 88 to 120
Storm dragon camp increased from 40 to 100
Wilding camp cost increased from 40 to 100
Command post increases accuracy from 10 to 20 (10 was the same as the original training yard imp) and Training discount increased from 25% to 33% (25% was the same as the barracks)
Cost of building mines/farms increased from 40 to 100
Cost of higher level blds increased proportionately
Festival growth bonus increased from 1 to 2
Granary food benefit reduced from 60 to 40
Markets can only be constructed in towns (and no longer related to merchants)
MerchantCrossBazaar can now only be built in towns
Missionary Halls can now only be built in towns
Blocked Ogre's from being able to access eDisharmony, PlayGoblin and PentHut websites
Store house food benefit reduced from 30 to 20
Tax Offices can now only be built in towns
Tax Offices provide a 25% city income bonus
Theater faction prestige bonus increased from 2 to 4
Training Yards also now provide a 10% unit training discount
War College accuracy bonus increased from 10 to 25
War college training discount increased from 25% to 50% (was identical to barracks), training level bonus increased from 1 to 2 (was identical to command post) and Intiative to defenders increased from 2 to 4
Based production per material decreased from 6 to 5
Non contiguous unrest penalty increased from 10 to 15
Aura of Might requires earth 1
Enchanted Hammers gives +1 Material instead of +5 production per essence
Minimum cost to rush production is 25 gildar (you also can't get money back from rushing)
Rebalanced armor (made it weaker)
Increased the damage of high tier weapons slightly
Stoneskin reduced from 6+3 to 4+2
Strike Garrison becomes a level 3 fortress upgrade instead of level 4
Gallows becomes a level 4 fortress upgrade instead of level 3
Gallows negates the unrest penalty on production instead of reducing unrest by 10%
Watchtower provides the defending city with a free catapult
Infirmary improves growth by 1 instead of 0.5
Moved the Slave Pen and the Labor Guild to Logistics
Removed the Guilds tech (wasn't worth having a single 1 per faction improvement on it)
Reduced the Minimum turns to Construct or Train from 3 to 1
Reduced the research cost of construction
Switched the Guild Grocer from +1 hp per grain for units trained in that city to +10% hit points for all of your units
Added IsTargetWorthy xml defined checks to spells for the AI. So we (and modders) can define conditions where the AI won't want to cast a spell (ie: don’t cure a unit with less than 5 defense, don’t haste a unit with less than 10 hp, etc)
Modified the algorithms the AI uses with pioneers -- THANK YOU to players on the forums who post detailed AI analysis. Keep doing it please!
Changed the way units evaluate whether to target enemies based on whether enemy appears to be going after a city (AI units previously didn't generally attack an enemy unless they thought they could win or if they were part of a larger army group. This led to situations where a player could send a powerful army into the heart of enemy territory with AI units just standing around, afraid to attack rather than sacrificing themselves to wear down the player's mega stack) -- again, thank you forum users!
Fixed a monster AI bug where the monster AI player didn't "see" that a monster had units until the FOW code had activated it. This caused Lair monsters to just sit there sometimes until they entered a unit's FOW (player or AI). Now, "hidden" monsters will do stuff off screen. Another report from the forums.
Monster behavior now depends on their intelligence
Intelligent monsters more likely to attack and destroy pioneer improvements
World difficulty affects likelyhood of monsters attacking pioneer outposts
Monsters more likely to target unescorted pioneers
AI more picky about whose equipment they upgrade
AI generally more aggressive about upgrading cities
AI beahvior when determining what to build in cities is now heavily dependent on that AI's personality (War Monger vs. Civilized, etc.)
Diplomatic relations more affected by which AI personality it has
Fixed bug that kept AI from being able to cast certain enchantments on cities
Tactical AI significantly improved (lots of new APIs to determine behavior)
AI can now "see" unit abilities that are unit buffs
Lots of AI work on the prioritization of building improvements, units, etc. (XML based work)
AI Relation Modifier changes:
Close borders relations penalty: -2 to -1
You are far away so we like that: +2 to +1
You have more diplomatic capital than I do: +2 to +1
You have a crapload more dip than I do: +3 to +2
Sheesh, get a freaking life, your dip capital is just...offensive: +4 to +3
You're bribing me with money: +3 to +1
AI diplomatic relations now more sophisticated, uses more AI personality traits
Changed selection behavior to not automatically select units that have a destination
Fixed an issue keeping monsters from casting spells
AI will use strategic offensive spells against units
Attempt to fix issue where the AI will offer you tribute but the title of the dialog says "demand tribute"
Smarter evaluations on when to ask or demand tribute
New font rendering system (I know this sounds boring, but it is so awesome, everything looks so much better)
Tile Yields show up in the explored FoW (so if you find a good location to found a city you can still see it even if you don't have a unit in line of sight)
Spells support particles going out to each enemy
New city hub medallions for each city level and color themed for city type (so it's easy to look at your empire tree and see how many fortress, town, villages and conclaves you have)
Shortened the city upgrade window text (it didn’t fit for large city names)
City type is designated on the cloth map city icon
Fixed a missing icon for the Garrote lair
Updated the Hiergamenon
Fixed some spell descriptions that didn't fit on the levelup tooltip
All trainable units show up in the research tree now
Lots of new sfx
Modified camera behavior so that the camera doesn't whip away when a unit goes into battle
UI more aggressively in showing hour glass when the game gets busier
Added a unique sound effect to the City conquered report notifier
New animations for Mites
Improved the Economy Ledger window
You can now see all your treaties with a player on the foreign relations screen and that treaties remaining duration
You can see your top bar when a treaty proposal comes up so you can see how much gildar, etc you have available
Added acceleration to camera snap back to prevent camera from round house kicking players in the face
Added on hit particle effects to all weapons that do elemental damage
Cliffs don’t lip with each other anymore (those little flickering glowy bits aren't magic cheese as we had previously claimed)