I've now played several games under .952, and I believe I can summarize my 5+5 key issues / wishes in order for the next Beta and/or the final game to be great.
First I have to say this game is very close to being a hall-of-fame level game !!! It's shaping up to be everything we want from a 4x fantasy game, and with expansions and moddability it has the potential to stay popular for decades to come. WELL DONE !!!
I've divided my wishes / issues into 2 categories: personal peeves and must-have:
Personal Peeves are matters open to discussion, but which IMHO would greatly help gameplay:
1. Increase monster aggressiveness, or make it an option for those of us who want the world to be MORE random, unpredictable and dangerous !!!
2. Increase late-game quests and challenges (the dungeons that frogboy posted about are a GREAT move !!!)
3. Add "master bosses" that we get to hunt - wildling mages, bandit kings, great beasts etc - with legendary rewards
4. Add late-game buildings for cities that allow us to recruit monster units (ogres, giants etc.)
5. While I'm at it, add giants
Must-have issues are ones that I consider very important in order to have a better game. There are few such issues remaining, but here they are:
1. PLEASE add a button to event notifications (resources destroyed, outposts razed etc.) to give us the option of going there with one click instead of searching the whole map!
2. Allow sovereigns to be attached to a city as governors, with some experience gain per turn, and with bonuses based on the governor trait
3. Give us some mechanic to move items through distances without sacrificing a hero (item vaults, teleport item spells etc.)
4. Allow outposts to have defenders like cities (perhaps through one of their improvements)
5. More / more varied summons (can be modded in later)
And of course, fix the graphical and other bugs that I and others have reported in this forum
If by its final release the game covers all 5 must-have issues and some of my 5 personal peeves, I for one would be a VERY happy camper
Keep up the great work, bendiwolf