Multiple events firing at once still makes you jump all over the place. There really needs to be a "wait" process to the multi-threadedness of the UI. It's so chaotic at the beginning of every turn. Even after every unit action it tries to auto-select the next unit. Pop-ups for the game still come up when you quit to the main menu!
- I haven't noticed that as much.
Tactical battles still slow to a crawl every so often. You have to auto resolve them to get through.
- Yes, I've noticed that too.
Multi-turn spells seem to really mess up the flow of battle. Either they really slow things down, make UI elements like the action bar disappear, or they never finish. Noticed most with Titan's Breath.
- They've introduced cooldown with spells in Beta 4. I like that better. Unfortunately, there's no way to counterspell them. Maybe they'll drop counterspell, but I doubt it.
Balancing units, traits, and spells still needs a lot of work.
Lots of glitches related to the strategic map. Pathfinding, moving to a specific square, animations being wrong, display of units, etc . . .
- Welcome to the Beta! What units, traits, and spells still need a lot of work specifically?
We need a way to deny a quest without having it disappear. Accidently going on a master quest dragon statue when you are not ready and declining it well means you can no longer finish the master quest.
- Maybe this isn't done for all the quests yet, but I was able to "return later" on the "Bard summons a dragon" quest.
Are you playing the same game I am Brad?
- Nope, Brad is playing a different game. He's playing Gal Civ 3.