I would definitely buy it instantly were it on steam, so please get it up there as a preorder as soon as possible?
Also, I was thinking about buyable DLCs that would enable those who want to help out Stardock financialy (I would easily pay 70˘for the game, but I recognize a lot of ppl wouldn't).
So, Stardockians, please go with DLCs, but NEVER go with game breaking ones (in terms of money buying benefits for players that can get them).
Get us new balanced sovereigns, tekstures, vanity items for sovereigns and beautifications for maps and cities, hell, even customizible dynastic management, just never introduce something that can give I-pay-win options.
(Im positive you wouldn't, just saying so)
Thank you for the great game in making, keep the great work forever and after finishing this one, think about making Demigod2.
LOL and DOTA need a competitor.