You are honestly the first person I've heard prefer Vista to 7. Can you point to anything specific? I'm very curious. I used Vista for a while, and after a good chunk of updates, it actually got to the point where I liked it better than XP. Once 7 hit, though, I never looked back, especially due to the new taskbar.
Well, Rosco, I know -a lot- of people disliked it and had a bad experience using it, but all I can say is... it worked, 100%.
Up untill the last 3-4 months I used it I hadn't had a BSOD since I used XP. Any and all applications I gave a run worked without a hitch.
There may very well have been some areas of Vista I never "got in touch with", which have given others grey hair.
But.... mainly it's because certain applications (specifically a certain Stardock application) worked on 64bit Vista, but doesn't on 64bit Win7, or in combination with other applications on 64bit Win7.
My first go at useing Win7 didn't really spark much 'love' either. As I've mentioned numerous times before on the forum, Vista performed better on my (old) system than Win7 did.
I couldn't have half the applications open, in Win7 as I had in Vista, before Win7 started 'spitting blood'. With Vista.... I doubt I was even capable of maxing it's potential. I often had 3 browsers (or more, with several tabs open in each) going, PaintShop Pro, Photoshop, Outlook, various background shit (3 monitor set up) and still I could have a movie running without any hickups. In Win7.... 2-3 applications, a movie and it started screaming about 'limited experience due to slow performance', or something like that.
All in all; Vista was by far the better choice for me.