Could we get a change-log to salivate over?
I'd like to add my vote to this request as well. Or, if it is too early for such, perhaps (as suggested by xaltotun, in Reply #11 above) we could at least get a list of the "major changes", in advance of April 12 ? That will help me to program my busy life ...
And while I am on the subject, the two things I would look for most, on either type of list, would be (1) Bug Fixes, and (2) Tweaks that have been made to improve performance. I know you are highly incentivized to add to, and improve, gameplay content; so I don't worry about that. The things I worry more about are performance issues and bugs. (I understand that my viewpoint may not be entirely fair, at this point, since Mr. Wardell has stated elsewhere -- in the "Stability Patch?" thread, for one example -- that we really should not expect a highly stable program, until at least the middle of summer. I understand that is partly just the nature of an iterative design process.)