I hear you on that, but you are comparing a sequal to two games that are easily on the short list of best games of all time.... Add system shock, quake, Doom, Warcraft, starcraft, morrowind, Demigod and your MMO of choice and that could round out the list lol.
There definitely is some consolization, my main gripes, after playing more, is the save games system sucks. I like naming my saves. Deleting them is a PITA as well. Im glad there are 100 now as opposed to the original 20, but it would be easier to cull a list of 20 lol. I hit the 100 mark yesterday just because its quicker to save a new one as opposed to overwriting. (I tend to like to keep a few of the last saves just in case i realized i screwed something up, e.g. purchased a useless aug, or blew away my nukes / stop worms or ammo on something that wasnt worth it etc.)
There are a few other consolization issues as well but they are minor. When compared to DX2 though, the gripes are minor.
Thanks for the info Unacomn! I finally found it and wondered why it wasnt listed in the keyboard commands lol.
I miss melee weapons, a crowbar and crates there arent any more crates in games these days. Kids dont know what they are missing lol.I also wish there were maintenance bots, the damn bars dont add enough E. The lack of E definitely influenced how i spent my praxis points.
I agree with you in regards to the cinematics. I also wish they were rendered at a higher res. They seem kinda pixelated....
The stylization and detail in the game is amazing, perhaps the best i've seen since Tron 2.0 (There are definitely others out there that are great as well but I loved Trons style)
Note to self: get the springy legs and parachute lol. Hopefully im not too far into the game, just made it to montreal so hopefully not even 50%.
I havent seen advertising yet either... maybe it was regional or people in other forums were complaining when it didnt exist...
I havent been able to figure out how to get past mines without shooting them. Even with invisibility they go explode... Let me know if you figure it out lol !