Is there anyway I can go back to the 1.0 or 1.01f or b/f of 7?
Seriously, I actually enjoyed playing the game when it first came out, and now it has slowly warped away for me as each of the new things has come out. I liked being able to make other guys Magic-users, and each guy had mana, today, I waited until about turn 8 or 10, had 34 mana, it said it would cost 25 to make a guy a spell caster, yet NEVER would let me cast the spell. IT kept saying I didn't have enough.
Basically, I think most things done are now the problems with the game (no offense), but is there anyway I can go pack to a version before (I believe) it was 1.12f or something?
Today, i told it to research 2nd level spells, and the game was set on fast, and it told me 25 turns. It took ALL the fun out of the game for me. 25 turns, just to be able to cast level 2 spells? Why? three, maybe five, but 25??? There is no fun in that at all.
I can honestly say it that I would play if this game went back to what it was close to release (minus the crash bugs, of course), and would really like that option.
It seems to have gone severely in the wrong direction in my opinion. I actually had fun when it first came out, and do not now at all.