In the interest of starting a little conversation and because I have some time to kill, Im just going to tell you guys how I feel about the list. This does not in any way mean that I am right and they are wrong or vice-versa, but rather what I agree and do not agree with. I know that when talking about video games ranking there are as many opinions as there are games so let's stay objective on that.
#98: COD4: Yea a pretty good game. very good first person shooter which kind of finally replaced Counter-Strike in my heart. A good ranking for that game.
#96: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: I loved the whole splinter cell series, but I think the later ones, Double agent especially, was somewhat better than Chaos Theory
#93: Farcry 2: One of the funnest game's have ever played, for a couple of months. I haven't touched it for months though. I can get over the respawning enemies and all that, but the redundancy kills me. This game has an amazing potential but in the end it is not worth spending money on unless its to rent it.Spreading fire in this game is one of the very cool things about it though.
#86: GTA: obviously a classic. I had good times playing this game through.
#81: SimCity 2000: A very good title. I am currently playing SimCity 4 on and off and I feel that, as I did with simcity 3000, many of its features are derived from simcity 2k.
#76:Crysis: Playing this game on a eight core behemoth of a PC was an unbelievable experience. The graphics and the game engine are superb.
#74: Galciv2: PC Gamer talks about how galciv2 offers more than its "earthly counterpart" obivously reffering to civilization, yet Civ4 ranked considerably higher...odd
#73: Tie Fighter: I think that with this you can also add its counterpart X-wing and the ultimate starwars fighter simulator X-wing vs Tie-Fighter. I still remember playing those games and for the first time really feeling taht i was part of that universe. Awesomeness.
#67:No One Lives Forever: I remember playing this game and between the tense moments where I was busy killing bad guys, and laughing my ass off, I just wanted to get to the end to see what would happen next. really fun game if you have the chance to play it.
#65: Colonization: The first Sid Meier title I played and I haven't stopped since. Colonization in my opinion was harder than civ2 (the closest title resembling colonization that I played) I would very much like to see a GOOD sequel to this extraordinary game.
#53: Red Alert 2: To be honest I have trouble with this one. I can think of a number of games that deserve to be on this list before RA2, notable the original Red Alert. It's not that I dont like sequels, its simply that I dont like sequels that dont do justice to its original muse. The first Red Alert most definitaly deserves to be on this list or at least if not RA then the very first C&C not dubbed "Tiberian Dawn" The RTS genre was born with these games and not with RA2. I still played this game, but when I bought C&C the first decade, the first game I played was certainly not RA2.
#48: Alien VS Predator: I agree 100% with what is written on the website for this game.
#45: Left for Dead: I dont understand how this game made it in the top 50. I talked about redundancy with FC2. This game is even worse. You can only choose between four different guns and the whole game is always the same./ running away from and killing a staggering amount of zombies until you get to a safe room. Rince and repeat until the end of the game.
#44: Operation FLashpoint: I loved this game because it kind of took of the battlefield style where you can control different types of vehicles including choppers. really not a bad game at all.
#43: Diablo 2: Never beat the game, but I certainly understand its appeal to certain people. A good game that was fun and the cinematics were near perfect, but in the end clicking seven thousand times a night on my mouse isn't my idea of an immersive game. Fun to play and the millions waiting for the third installment can probably attest to that.
#36: Battlefield 2: mmmyeaaaaa. A fun game and 'Battlefield' games in general are all pretty awesome, but I dont see how its made it all the way to 36th place.
#30: Homeworld: Took RTS to a whole new level. Wow what a game. The story and the cinematics were wicked, the gameplay was impeccable. The onyl downside was having to wait at the end of each level for your harvesters to wipe the map clean to maximize profits as it was quite easy to run out of money in this game. Loved this game to death, including the unofficial expansion "Cataclysm" and Homeworld 2.
#29: Max Payne 2: Again you know how I feel about sequels. Although in all fairness I have never played Max Payne2, the first one was incredible, both story-wise and from the gameplay point of view.
#27: Doom 2: Who hasnt played this game?
#23: Starcraft: 'Nuff said. Should have been higher even...
#18: Unreal Tournament 2004: I hate repeating myself, but the original was better.
#15: GTA IV: As morally bankrupt as this game is, I still cant stop playing it. Now in all fairness in terms of the whole GTA series (and Ive played them all) I still think that San Andreas was the most complete GTA ever made. You would think that sequels would at least include all the options in its predecessors. This is unfortunately not the case with GTA IV. GTA III San Andreas remains the best and most complete GTA game of the series. If they made another like it with the engine and graphics of GTA IV...whew watch out.
#13: Counterstrike source: The transformation of Counterstrike to the Source engine was the best thing to happen to counterstrike since the 7.1 patch back in the day. Counterstrike retains, and will always have, a special place in my heart. I cannot possibly begin to conjure all the loving memories of that game .
#12: Civilization 4: I havent yet played civ5, but this game rocks. The best civ I've ever played, and civ2 was damn good. I just with there could be more playable scenarios like in Civ2.
#11: X-COM: This takes me back. I will now go check if I can find this game on the web and DL it to start playing again. any ideas?
#10 Fallout 3: This game monopolized my time in a big way. My first playthrough I chose the BOS, and my second I chose the Enclave. There are so many different ways to play this game its unheard of. Im just gonna put it out there. I love this game! Should have ranked higher, as in switch with Oblivion.
#6: TES Oblivon: The one and only reason I bought this game is because I saw that it was developed by the same people who did FO3. IN my opinion, though the world may not be as large, FO3 is a better game. The graphics and the dialogue as well as the fighting is simply better in FO3. The positions should have been switched.
#5: Rome Total War: The best game in the Total War series by FAR. Shogun was good and I hear shogun 2 is coming out soon. Rome was simply an amazing game though. Damn the Carthaginians and their war elephants...unless you play as them of course!
#4 Half-Life: Deserves this spot for sure! What a game this was including its expansions Opposing force and Blue Shift. One of the most immersive game universes to date. MUCH better than its sequel.
#2: Halif-Life 2: OD I really need to say it again... damn this game was good and it was fun, but the original was sooo much better. I never understood the story in Half-Life 2, such a shame since the story in the original was fantastic.
#1 Deus EX: As I was going through the list and seeing all the games there I wondered which one was number one. When I saw that Deus Ex had taken the honours I smiled. The game that began the genre of crossing FPS with RPG, and the most complete, comprehensive, and immersive story I have ever encountered in a video game. Koodos to Deus Ex, the Illuminati is out there people! lol
alright thats it, hope you enjoyed, agrred/disagreed. Let me know what you think
notable absentees: Wing commander, tachyon: the fringe, Dune 2
any others? (of course there)