*** 1.19 is a public beta ***
*** 1.19 was released on 1/27/2011 ***
1. Fixed memory leaks.
2. Reduced memory consumption (especially in the late game) by releasing unneeded textures instead of retaining them indefinitely.
3. Raze city no longer requires a tech and is available right off the bat for all of your cities.
4. Prestige penalty for multiple cities has been broken out in the Other category on the city screen (instead of being a part of the base prestige number).
5. AI is more careful with their sovereign.
6. In the city breakdown the amount of buildings is listed (so it will say Study x3 if you have 3 studies in that city).
7. Fixed bug where conquered cities that had caravans that called that city home would end up with messed up caravan counts.
8. Fixed a bug where player ability penalties on resource production weren't actually being taken into account.
9. Fixed the effect of the "Call of the Titans" spell, which gathers all your unstationed units and transports them to a specified tile. It will now skip units without an attack (ie. pioneers, caravans, boats).
10. Fixed bug where particle glow effect would remain on the map after getting a goodie hut until you hit the turn button.
11. Fixed delay in tactical battles with mounted archer units.
12. Fixed bug where sometimes particles would remain on the map from a destroyed factions cities.
13. Added a new game option to adjust Movie volume.
14. Removed the city idle dialog, replaced with a report item notification in the event list.
15. Pioneers/sovs cannot build/found cities in other people's territory
16. Since spells are capped at level 5, you are no longer given the choice to keep going up in spell level once you reach that max.
17. Disabling Janusk advice does not disable his creation in the game.
18. Custom sovereign starting appearance is randomized (so you don't start with the same model every time).
19. You are now able to select a tile under a unit without moving the unit.
20. Limited improvements (like the faction specific Beacon of Hope) won't be counted as being built until they are completed.
21. Fixed Titan's Breath (thanks to Heavenfall and Kenata).
22. Fixed an issue that was keeping the AI from casting spells in tactical battles.
23. Balanced resource placement (more variety, better distribution).
24. Added a blue highlight representing the range of a spell when in spellcasting mode on both the strategic and tactical map, so the user can see how far they are allowed to cast the spell
25. Added tooltips that hover underneath the spellcasting cursor that explain why a spell can't be cast on that tile (with no tooltip shown if it is a valid target)
26. The strategic map spellcasting mode now uses the same wand cursors (with support for an invalid cursor) that the tactical map mode uses
27. Fixed a bug in spellcasting where non offensive, defensive, or terraforming spells were now checking that the spell target was valid when deciding if the spell could be cast.
28. Fixed the Fallen Ambassador (so it now correctly gives diplomatic capital).
29. Removed the Refined Diplomacy techs.
30. Added gold as a tradeable resource for fallen and changed horses to wargs for them.
31. Added the champion ablity "Diplomatic" which gives +1 diplomatic capital per turn.
32. Hooked up a list at the top of the city HUD to show the enchantments that are currently on that city.
33. Fixed a bug in the main city context wnd where it would use the AI's cached version of the battle rank for display, causing it to often not match the city HUD and other screens.
34. Fixed a bug where dispelling Guardian Ward (and any other spells that involved a city-target summon modifier) would not kill the summoned unit.
35. Fixed a bug where killing a unit summoned on a city would not cancel the enchantment that summoned that unit, keeping the spell from being cast on that city again.
36. Fixed lighting on shields in unit design screens (so they won't appear black anymore).
37. Fixed an issue that caused units to lose their custom portrait after a few turns.
38. Units now fade out when they get killed on the main map.
39. Units now fade out when they get killed in tactical battles.
40. Fixed a bug where improvements in FOW still played their particle effects.
41. Added a info button where spellbooks are displayed (such as on the custom sovereign screen) that will show all the spells that spellbook gives.
42. When improvements are auto-upgraded they no longer make the upgrade noise (which can be deafening when a bunch do it at once).
43. Auto-upgrades won't spam the event list with the "new building" messages.
44. When casting a targeted spell on an army (such as imbue champion on a stack with more than one valid target) a dialog is presented to allow the player to pick the unit he wants.
45. Fixed an issue that kept AI champions from being able to cast spells in tactical combat.
46. Players can now earn achievements in single player mode if auto-login is enabled.
47. Fixed a bug with lifesteal that caused the caster to lose hit points.
48. Fixed some bugs in tactical AI code that were causing it to think enemy units were friendly units.
49. Added code so that AI units will try to cast a heal spell on themself before resorting to trying to escape.
50. Added code so that the AI can determine the best spell to use based on AI xml weights in the spells themselves.
51. Added AIData and AIPriority tags to all spells, so we can tweak how much the AI cares about them.
52. Min defense on armor has been removed. Previously armor never absorbed less than half the units defense value, now it has the possibility to absorb the full range (though weighter to the high end). So every attack can do damage.
53. Increased the casting cost for Return and Teleport.
54. When a pioneer founds a city, any remaining units in its army are now automatically stationed in the new city.
55. When a sovereign founds a kingdom/empire, the popup explaining what they are doing now includes a checkbox asking if the user wants to station their sovereign in the new city, where if they choose to not have it selected, the sovereign moves to an adjacent tile like before
56. Fixed a bug with units getting stationed over end turn not showing up in a cities context, and ensuring the new city founding behavior shows the most updated city context when all the shuffling of units is done.
57. Fixed bug where, when founding a city, you could see the pioneer either die on top of the city while it was being built, or the pioneer's graphic would stick around for a turn if in cloth map mode when the city was built
58. The events for "improvement built" and "unit finished training" start out temporarily expanded, for a short period of time.
59. Faction Power Wnd entries now have a tooltip telling you how each player feels towards you. (ex. At War, Neutral, etc..). Also, if you are at war with them, an AtWar icon will be displayed.
60. Unit info cards reworked to show more meaningful data, have the data fit better, etc.
61. Fixed Grip of Winter and Greater Grip of Winter to correctly apply a chance of taking effect (previously they always caused the victims to lose their next turn).
62. Added an event list entry when there are enemy units in your lands. Clicking on the event will cycle through the enemy units in your lands.
63. Added a new tactical Air 1 spell, Wind Shield. Gives all allied units +5 dodge vs ranged attacks.
64. Removed the Blink spell.
65. You can now recruit Janusk directly from his opening dialog (instead of him talking to you and then sometimes running away).
66. Empire can now claim refugee camps.